Chapter 2. The start of something beautiful

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Ford's POV

I walk through the forest, trying to find some more paranormal stuff. This town is full of... Wait... What is that? I look around. I hear the most angelic voice singing off in the distance somewhere, so I follow it. The singing slowly gets louder as I move slowly, trying not to startle them and they run off.

Are you, are you
Coming to the tree?
They strung up a man
They say who murdered three.
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met at midnight
In the hanging tree.

I can hear where the singing is coming from! I walk slower and slower. I hide behind a tree and just keep listening. I wonder... Who has this voice of an angel? I peek out from behind the tree and see a beautiful girl sitting under a tree. I notice I am not the only one listening to this beautiful girl singing. There are gnomes and animals sitting up in trees, round the trunks of the trees just listening.

Are you, are you
Coming to the tree?
Where dead man called out
For his love to flee
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met at midnight
In the hanging tree.

"You sing beautifully." I say. She gasp and turn to where I stand. Wow... She looks like an angel!
"Thank you" She nods in appreciation. I smile, walk over and sit with her. She looks into her lap blushing badly. "My name is Sarah. Who are you?" She looks at me and she holds her hand out. I smirk
"Stanford Pines, at your service! But you can call me Ford." I smile and kiss her hand. "You hungry?" She nods cutely. "Come with me, I know a good diner we could have lunch at." I stand up and hold my hand out for her to take. She takes it and stands. We start to walk to the diner.

________________________Time Skip brought to you by Ford!!!!!______________________________

Sairz's POV

"Wow you have six fingers? That is so cool!!!" I say while holding his hand and playing with his six fingers. We just ordered our food and are sitting down and one of the tables in the far back. We start to have a little conversation about all the paranormal stuff around Gravity Falls.
"Have you seen gnomes around this forest?"
"Yes I have! They are pretty sweet and they tell me quite a bit about themselves to me most of the time." I smile at him. His eyes widen and smiles like a kid who got something amazing for christmas.
"Could you tell me a few things?"
"Sure!" He smiles and grabs a journal and a pen out from his coat.
"Is it okay if I write them down?" He uses the puppy dog eyes on me. I nod and giggle. He smiles widely. I tell him a few things the gnomes have told me as he writes them down. Our food comes a short time later and I show him the drawing of the gnomes I have. Later when we leave I notice it was getting pretty dark and my house was quite far away. I frown and grab my torch from out of my pocket. Suddenly a hand grabs mine and I look up to see (that super sexy) Ford smiling at me.
"Come stay the night at my place. Then if you would like, you can go back home." He rubs the back of his neck and looks away sheepishly.
"Really? Thank you!" I smile at him but then shiver due to the cold. He takes his trench coat off and slips it onto my shoulders, slips his arm around my waist and holds me close. I smile and take a deep breath in. He smells like books and  ink. I smile and lean closer into him.

Hurray!!! Chapter 2 is finally done!!! I am happy to know a few of you like this book and voted for chapter 1!!!
I hope you like this chapter!!! I will continue if I get at least two votes for each chapter

- Sairz

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