Part 2 (Damian's Perspective)

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My name is Damian Wayne. My parents are Bruce Wayne (Batman) and Talia Al Ghul. I was trained to become the future leader of the League of Asassins since birth and was sent to my father when I was 7 to be taught things the League of Asassins couldn't. Things like compassion, kindness, and to be humble. I believed I had mastered at least some of these traits but father said I wasn't ready yet. Father had been contemplating on whether I should use the Robin costume to go on patrol with him. This was all I cared about until I met her...

The first time I met Mar'i Grayson, we were only 7 years old. I was a bit intimidated by her because she had powers and I was human. So I called her witch. What happened next I didn't expect at all. She picked me up by the collar of my shirt and threw me across the room. We attend Gotham Academy together and are both in 9th grade. I started getting this unfamiliar feeling in my stomach today. I was moving through the crowds of students trying to get to my next class when I saw Mar'i drop her books. I knelt down to help her pick up her books when, our hands touched. That's when the feeling started. I quickly got my bag and left, trying to figure out what this strange feeling was. I told my older brother,Jason, about the strange feelings I was having. He started laughing and said I was in the early stages of a "crush". I will have to do some research on this...

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