Meetings and Unexpected Actions

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Walking back along the dirt trail, your boots crunching on dry fallen branches and a few leaves, you started to make a mental list of the things you had to complete today, when you got back to your home. The wind began to pick up slightly, blowing your hair back and causing you to wrap your jacket around your body tighter. Raising your head to look up at the sky, the long fingers of the branches seeming to reach out towards something unseen covered most of the expanse of clouds, but you could see enough to know that rain was coming soon.

Hurrying back to your house, you walked back onto the porch, and removed your boots glancing up towards the sky once again. The air had gotten cold, and grim clouds cast a dull shadow on the land. Opening the door to your home you walked inside and looked at the clock upon the wall that you had put up the day before. It wasn't moving.... odd. You shugged it off and pulled out your phone from your jacket pocket, checking the time. Once again... it hadn't moved since you left that morning. You would have to fix them both at some point. Realizing the coldness of the room you zipped up your jacket and walked into your bedroom to shut the window you had opened previously. The glass doors in your room leading to the second porch showed the now dark woods outside, and small raindrops began to hit the stained planking and slowly dissappeared. You definitely weren't going to get anything done today. All of your unpacking was already done, and the only thing that you could have done was maintenance on the house exterior and there was no way you were going to work in the rain. You weren't even sure how long you had been gone but judging by how dark it was beginning to be outside you had to have been gone multiple hours... at least 8.... time really does fly. Deciding to take a soothing shower to unwind from the hike you did, you walk into your bathroom and turn on your shower. You then began to remove your clothes, unzipping your jacket and slipping it off throwing everything into the laundry basket you had set by the sink. You stepped into the shower, the warm water cascading over your body, the sound of rain distantly sounding through the window in the bathroom. You shut your eyes in bliss as you enjoyed the water running along your sore muscles from the day before with all the moving. You ran your hands through your now wet hair, a soft sigh of content coming from you. As you continued your shower, the same pair of golden eyes from before observed your house. The man shook his head "I can't belive I'm am so interested in this human, but I can sense something about her." A dark laugh emitted from him "Perhaps I will pay her a visit tonight, after all I should be able to have some fun too." Finishing your shower after about 20 minutes you turned it off and stepped out, water droplets sliding along your curves. Reaching over to the cabinet you pulled out a towel and wrapped it around yourself as you are instantly greeted with a soft embrace. After you had dried the water off of yourself you slipped on a comfortable pair of shorts and an oversized t-shirt. You made your way back into your bedroom the sound of the rain hitting the house now much more prominent and the only light ouside was the moon shining on the damp foliage. You walked over and sat on your bed, reaching over to the side, lighting a candle you had placed there previously with some matches you kept in the drawer. Picking up a book you had been reading for the past week you began to immerse yourself in the novel. Loosing yourself in the story you were oblivious to your surroundings. After about an hour of reading you got up lazily sauntered to the kitchen. You slipped your hand through the handle of the cup you had forgotten to put away in the morning after drinking your coffee. You then walked over placing the cup in the sink and began to make some tea. Rummaging through the various teas you kept in one of the kitchen drawer you settled on (favorite tea). Returning to your room you laid back onto your bed. Leaning back onto the soft conforter and pillows your eyes shut in relaxation. You stayed that way for a while, just listening to the rain when you had an unsettling feeling. Slowly opening your eyes you looked around the sparsley lit room and spotted a figure in the dim glow of the candle. His golden eyes bore into you, unblinking. The figure had short blonde hair fading to black when it reached his neck. He wore an odd outfit of what seemed to be black dress pants, a white dress shirt with a yellow vest over the top with an odd brick pattern. He was also wearing a... top hat and bowtie...? You knew he looked vaguely familiar but you couldn't put your finger on it. Your (color) eyes widened as he started to walk towards you. "Who the hell are you?!" You backed up as much as you could and inconspiculously grabbed a knife you kept underneath your matress. He calmly appoached you "You know it's rude to ask someones name without giving yours first. Though, if you really want to know, the name is Bill Cipher."~ A smirk crept onto his face. "I'm warning you right now. Leave my house or else." Within a blink of an eye he was leaning over you, his messy blonde hair falling into his face. "Or else what dollface?" He said with amusement. You gripped the knife tighter and took a swing towards him but he caught your wrist almost as if you were moving in slow motion. You went to kick him off of you but he had you pinned down, his face barley inches from yours. Fear gripped you as you struggled underneath him, but to no avail. "Let me go!" He then squeezed your wrist causing you to yelp and drop the knife. "Wouldn't be any fun for me if I did now would it?" You narrowed your eyes at him but froze in terror when you saw him pick up the knife.

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Bill Cipher x Reader Smut: A Demons Lust - Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now