I am Sasuke.... the Girl?!

Start from the beginning


I quickly opened the front door only to be greeted by a flash of lightning and water spashing me. It took a second for the shock to wear off and me to open my umbrella and venture out into the cold harsh weather.

It took me around five minutes to walk to Renji's house, but still in that short amount of time I was soaked. I was wet and cold, not a good combination for my mood.

I knocked on Renji's front door and waited, I heard shouts from the house and the door knob jiggled. Suddenly it swung open and Annie stood there grinning at me, "Welcome madam!"

I growled at her, "Shut up and let me in dumb ass! Can't you see I'm wet!"

"Sorry," Annie said giggling making her apology sound very um....... crappy.

I sighed and squeezed past her into the house, I walked into the living room to see Renji and Kuna arguing and Haruka was just sitting on the couch reading her book.

"Hey!" I shouted. "Can someone get me a change of clothes?!"

Renji and Kuna stopped arguing and all their heads snapped up to me.

"Um, hi Miho," Renji said awkwardly. "Sorry you had to see that."

I held my hand up to silence him, "Nevermind, just go get me a change of clothes. I'm sure your older sister's would fit me fine."


"But what," I glared at Renji.

"It's just that," he said rubbing the back of his head which was red. I always found it funny how much he resembled Renji from Bleach, all the way from name to personality. "My older sister told me to stay out of her room while she was away for collage."

"So what," I snapped. "What she doesn't know won't hurt her! Are you chicken or something?! Besides who are you more afraid of, your sister...... or me?"

His eyes widened and Kuna next to him laughed, she placed a hand on Renji's shoulder making him jump.

"Stop terrorizing the poor boy Miho," Kuna said chuckling. "I'll go get the clothes since he's such a wuss."

"Am not!" Renji shouted. "I'll go get the clothes!"

They two raced each other up the stairs, pushing and shoving, calling each other foul names and things I would never dream of repeating. Ah, they are sooooo in love.

I walked into the bathroom taking my clothes off and throwing them on the floor like I lived here, which was parshly true. If I wasn't at home or at school I was here along with the rest of my friends. I noticed that even my shirt underneath my thick jacket was soaked too, I scrunched my nose up.

"Ha!" I heard Kuna shout right outside the bathroom door. "I beat you Renji! Take that jackass!"

I heard mumbling from my only guy friend, and the door open slightly, oops forgot to lock it. A hand reached in holding a bunch of clothes of various colors, I reached out and grabbed them thanking Kuna along the way.

"Hey," I said before I closed the door. "How did you know the door was unlocked?"

I heard Kuna snort, "Please, you always leave the door unlocked. I swear if you were a ninja in the world of Naruto that would be one of your....... many fatal flaws."

"Haha, very funny." I said rolling my eyes, I slammed the door close and prceeded to put on the clothes, slightly too big for me but who cares?! I was warm and contempt.

When I walked out again everyone was upstairs in Renji's room getting ready to watch Naruto, I ran up to join them. When I came to his room and ran and flopped onto his bed, and apparently on someone too.

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