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I look in the mirror, to see myself clearer,

However I do not see,

The girl who is me.

I see a figure weak and frail,

A face scared and pale,

Twinkle gone from her eyes,

After she heard the lies.

Lies that had spread fast,

Awakening her past,

in the back of her mind,

Her eyes did it blind.

However, with a smile,

She will fool for a while,

and forget her lost dreams,

Shut her inner child's screams,

To continue walking,

To continue climbing,

To reach the summit,

To free her spirit.

A/N:Here is another poem :) if it's not flowing smoothly, please tell me :) and tell me your thoughts :) and could " free her spirit" mean to die, or free her spirit from hurt and such? Tell me your thoughts :)

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