The Storm Brews

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Cassie couldn't believe what had just happened. Tommy snapped. He just hit a teacher square in the face. Some students ran out of the class to grab the principal and Tommy was immediately arrested once the cops came. 

He tried to justify his actions, say he was acting on self defense, but a lot of the honest students said that was not the case. The New York law has zero tolerance for any kind of assault and since Tommy was just under the age of eighteen, he could get a year and a half to four years in prison. If a judge sees fit, he might even go under house arrest. 

Lindsay was obviously sobbing as she watched Tommy get loaded into the police cruiser. Agnus pointed the finger at Cassie for getting Tommy riled up in the first place, which led to Cassie getting mercilessly shoved into the lockers as kids gathered around to see. 

"Oh, so you think you can just send my boyfriend off to jail, huh?!" She shouted. "You stupid bitch!" She slapped Cassie so hard across the face, Cassie thought her entire cheek flew off. Her eyes started to water, but she tried her damned hardest not to cry. 

Lindsay was just kicking her while she was down. "Cry, you little bitch! Go cry to mommy and your lawyer step-daddy! Or maybe I can get your abusive father down here to smack you around for me!" That's it. The water works came and Cassie started sobbing. 

Normally, she would get mad, but the mention of her father coming back and doing what he did to her just made her horrified. She never wanted him to come back! She never wanted to think about it! Unfortunately, the thought was stuck in her head and she couldn't get it out. 

So, she just cried harder and harder as she held on to her red, hand stained cheek. 

Lindsay was about to say something, but then the principal came rushing through the crowd of students and saw what was going on. "What is with this school today?!" He shouted. "Everyone, back to your classes! Ms. James, into my office! As for you, Ms. Hansen, I suppose you'll be joining Mr. Cumberbatch in the infirmary." 

Just as everyone was filing back into their classrooms, Caleb came out of one and saw Cassie on the floor. "Cass!" He called as he sprinted over. He got down next to her and saw how much of a mess she was. "Why don't you take Ms. Hansen to the infirmary," the Principal suggested. 

Caleb had no problem with that and helped her off the floor. No words were said as he walked her there. He didn't know what exactly happened, but he knew he would find out sooner or later. Once they got to the infirmary, the nurse took Cassie from Caleb and said, "Thank you, we've got her from here."

He tried to fight to stay with her, but the nurse told him he had to go back to class. He eventually gave up and stormed back to his class. 

Cassie was taken into the room where they had several cots surrounded by their own curtains for students to rest if they ever got injured. Upon entering this room, Ben was sitting on top of the examination tables in the front. 

He was getting his broken nose looked at by the nurse as he held a bloody tissue up to it. He heard somebody walk in and as soon as his eyes landed on Cassie, they blew up in fear. She looked absolutely horrible. 

"Cass--ah! Fucking hell!" He shouted after the nurse unexpectedly put his nose back in place. "You're going to have to lay down for a little while, Mr. Cumberbatch," she advised. "This is the penalty you pay for not wanting to go to a hospital."

He huffed and hopped off of the table after they badged his nose and broken wrist. The nurse walked him next to the bed where Cassie was getting her cheek looked at. His poor girl, she was still crying and huffing and puffing and trying her damned best to remain strong. He just wanted to know what happened. 

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