"He wouldn't..." She began shaking her head. "We had an agreement. He wouldn't just leave. He wouldn't give up his rightful title."

"He has." I nodded, handing her the message. She quickly read it, and then swallowed hard, glancing at the people still kneeling around her, and then looked back at me. "You are the Queen of Vrinian, Marina. You know what this means." She closed her eyes, her short dark hair falling into her face, and I could tell she was angry. "If you walk into the Imperial City, you can't leave to come back. You can check in, but your place will be in the castle, ruling over Vrinian." Her dark eyes blazed as she looked back at me. Before she could say anything, a shadow fell over where we stood. I glanced up, seeing Hailvory descending from the pure blue sky. A cloud of white surrounded her, and as it disappeared, a lone human figure dropped to the ground. "Guardian Ivory." She stood strong. A powerful ghostly figure in white. Eyes piercing through me.

"My Prince." She bowed slightly. "It has been a long time since you were in my presence. Though I have been keeping a watchful eye on you." It was true. I often saw her in the distance, never approaching, but silently guarding. It was her job now. With Nikolas being the General of Sarkin, standing beside my father, and Jasper, she had been tasked with watching over my siblings and I. Ivory walked over to Onyxark, placing a hand on his scaly nose for a second. Ivory's bond with the other dragons is unequal to anything else. He is their mother, and she can hear them. She knows where they are and if they are hurt. She is strong and protective of all of her young, dragon or human.

She looked to Marina, and the smile the new Queen sent back to her, showed that Ivory had also been watching her. "We meet again, Marina."

"So it seems." She returned. "Why are you here?" she questioned.

"I was sent to find you, and bring you home." Ivory walked up to her.

"So it is true?" Marina asked. "Dominic has abandoned his crown?" Ivory nodded. "Then it is my duty to return." She looked over at me. "Raleigh..." She trailed off, and I could tell how much she hated leaving. She hated knowing that her search for Felix ended in this moment.

"I won't give up, Marina." I shook my head. "We are so close. I will keep you informed. I promise. Felix is still out there, and Elleana and I will find him."

I saw her eyes well up with tears for a second, before she closed them, calming herself. "I believe you." She opened them, and a new since of authority washed over her. She straightened. "Bring him home, Raleigh. If I can't search anymore, and it kills me to admit it, then I have some comfort knowing that you are still out there."

"Thank you, Marina." I nodded. "Welcome home." She glanced around her, her subjects stealing glances to look at her. It has been eight years since people had really seen her, knowing it was her. She wasn't used to it anymore. Her life has changed once again. She looked over at Ivory. "Lead the way." Ivory nodded as Marina jumped back up on her horse.

I looked back at Ivory, who was now watching me. "Don't be afraid to seek my aid. I am always near. I can always hear you."

I nodded. "I know."

"Until we meet again, My Prince." She bowed again, and then straightened. With a small grin, she jumped, at an unusual height for a human, but then again, she was never human. Before she descended, the white cloud appeared around her, and a cry, resounded across the Vrinian Mountains. Hailvory slipped through the disappearing fog, her feet never touching the ground as her wings spread wide and took flight. I glanced at Marina, who waved a farewell, and turned her horse, riding off, deeper into her new kingdom. Marina would never be the same, and neither will Vrinian. I watched as she disappeared down the road, and people started to stand, watching her as I did. Her world was going to get even more complicated then possibly even she realized yet.

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