"Hey I'm Maya Marie Sanders ok that's all ya needs ta know," she sat in the empty chair next to me and set down her stuff. She leaned over towards me.

"Wassup Baddie," she laughed.

"Gotta know one when ya see one," I laughed. We talked for the rest of class and we actually had alot in common. She doesn't know her mom and has two sisters. One is older and one is younger than her. She's from Miami and used to live poor then her daddy hit the lottery and invested alot of it and they got richer then she started a clothing store. Instantly we clicked. I can't say I found a replacement for Tamica but I can say I found a pretty damn close one.


When I got to school instantly people were asking me what the girls name was that hopped out my ride. When I told them it was Kamala everyone was surprised. I saw her walking around with this fine ass white girl so I'm guessing she already making friends. I found her at lunch so all my niggas and Kamala and her friends sat with us. They had us dying all lunch and when I went to go throw my trash away guess who was mugging. Shania. She kept sending me texts telling me to meet her but I ain't got time for her mouth and starting drama ass swear broads don't know when to leave a nigga alone. I went out to my locker during class and guess who was there. Shania.

"Hey baby so I guess you ain't been getting my texts huh," she said wrapping her arms around my neck. I moved her hands and pushed her out the way.

"Nope I got em just didn't want to talk,"

"But you can talk to that bitch Kamala,"

"Man you the fucking reason why we ain't talking no more,"

"What? You were talking to her when I told you not to you need to come back to me keep them priorities straight,"

" First of all bitch you not my damn mama second watch that smart ass mouth and get the fuck out my face," I pushed her out my way and walked back to class. I decided to skip the rest of school and go hit a blunt and maybe fuck wit one of my hoes then pick up Kamala. I pulled up in front of school and saw Shania being escorted away by police and bitch looked bad like got that ass beat bad. Then here comes Kamala and Maya smirking like they just robbed a bank.

"The fuck you smirking fah,"

"That hoe ran up on Mami Chulo talking bout she stealing you," Maya said

"Who the fuck is Mami Chulo nigga,"

"Me and this is Papi Chulo we starting a gang," Kamala said pointing to Maya and laughing.

"Bitch you fronting you ain't starting no gang," I laughed.

"Does it look like I'm laughing," Kamala said with a serious face.

"Just join my crew FTD FRESH TIL DEATH I always need a bad female by my side," I said smiling.

"Oooh Mami Chulo is blushing ,shit," Maya screamed.

"Ayeee I'm going to drop y'all off at home I'm heading to the warehouse,"

"Tuh Nigga no you not you dropping us at the mall so we can get Jr. Chulo some clothes," Kamala said playing on Maya's phone.

"And I'm getting you an iPhone because I'm tired of you playing on other people's phones 24/7," Maya said.

"Wait Whaaaaaa," she said smiling. I ignored them as they kept talking and just drove to the mall. We got in there and I told Kamala to pick out some cases and then come to Verizon. After I paid for the phone here come these loud ass females screaming and talking about the new Jordan's coming out.

"Here's your new Galaxy S3 Miss Santos," I said smiling. I could tell she was blushing.

"He know he got you feeling some type of way," Maya smirked. We bought Nilaya and Yulissa some clothes and shoes and Maya bought Mala 2 pairs of Retro 5's gotta love her. We bought some extra clothes so she could stay over. We drove home and were clowning in the car.


"So D you got any niggas for me," Maya thirsty ass asked.

"Ight thirsty but yeah my main nigga Koby,"

"The one eyeing me at lunch he was sexy,"

"Ight I gotchu,"

We got to the house and D called some of his niggas over and Koby. Maya was cuddling with him while I was laying on D and Jarron this other fine ass nigga and we were watching Paranormal Activity 4. Shit was funny, especially how these niggas was jumping. How are you gonna be a thug and scared during a movie and Jarron had the nerve to ask could he sleep with me tonight since he was scared. After the movie ended everyone decided to spend the night in the basement because he had a home theater in his basement. I ended up falling asleep in D's arms.

Why am I in love with him (True Thug Story)Where stories live. Discover now