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ok guys focus so since we dont have a meeting today were having a slumber party.
sparrow:yeeee*screams like a girl
dexter and hunter:righhhhht
dexter:but i need to make a plan b
daring:plan b,what is plan b
dexter:umm nothing
cerise:wait,sparrow,hunter we had a party tonight
dexter and daring:wait a party but why are we not invited
hunter,sparrow,cerise:because its a rebels party
daring:but why royals dont have a party
cerise: i dont know and dont ask or tell apple about it
cerise: cause raven—
sparrow:can you too lovebirds cut it off youre ignoring us again
cerise:lovebirds! were not inlove ok*eyes turned gold
daring:anyway you look pretty when you do that
cerise:anyway i need to go cause there really so many things i need to do,bye

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