Ethereal Elements: Book One.

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Tehaliki Province, South-eastern Mahrva, Invamar. The month of Ethelos, seventh day, forty nine fifty three.

The Etherhalls.

Jaden, kill him!”

Sword poised over the kneeling man's neck, Jaden was about to do the one thing he could not forgive himself of.

Kill him,” the Allfather urged, looking down benignly at his young servant. “Prove yourself worthy of what I offer you! Kill the traitor!”

Skohelle tilted his head slightly, glancing up at Jaden with massive tearful eyes, “please, Jaden-”

His words cut off abruptly as the Allfather silenced him with a wave of his hand. The Allfather was all-loving. He cared about Jaden. He had once cared about Skohelle! Skohelle had betrayed the All-father and broken his oath! He deserved to die!

“I understand that it is hard, Jaden,” the All-father whispered softly, his deep, soothing voice filling the massive Etherhall, “but we must cast all evil from our midst if we are to live pure. I must know that I can trust you.”

Slowly Jaden raised his sword, present from the All-father himself -one of the last of the White Blades. Skohelle was his friend, but he'd made his choice -there was no turning back from evil.

The sword fell, flashing in the light of the Holy Water surrounding the All-father's throne . . . and Skohelle's headless body fell to the smooth white tiles with a thud. Blood began to pool.

The All-father nodded slightly, “well done.”

Jaden gulped, looking down at the blood; the life-blood of his friend. He watched in sick silence as a ribbon of light rose from it, and came to a stop; hovering before the All-father.

A pair of deep, sad eyes looked out at the small flickering silver light. Then the All-father spoke, “justice shall be mixed with mercy, my old friend. The blood of those you killed calls for vengeance, but I am merciful; your Ether shall not go to Kreduelon. But neither shall it stay in the Ether Halls. I cast you out from my brotherhood! I cast you out from the Ethers! May you fall to the Mortal Worlds, in the hopes that you may one day find mercy in happiness.”

The light flickered for a moment, and then a scream split the hall, echoing off into the distance. With a final flash Skohelle's ether shivered and seeped through the floor.

Jaden looked on bitterly, his heart pounding in his chest. Slowly he held out his hand and releasing a surge of Etherlight into the air, sent it into the floor after Skohelle's Ether. A blessing. Without a sound the decapitated body disappeared.

Silence filled the endless hall, the only two beings in sight being the Allfather and Jaden.

Slowly Jaden turned to the Allfather, “my lord! I am yours!”

The kindly looking old man nodded gently, soft light sifting from his eyes, “very good. I ask but one thing of you now.”

Jaden dropped to a knee. The Allfather was mercy. “Anything.”

Forgive me.”

Jaden frowned, glancing up, “for what, my lord?”

This.” The Allfather flicked out a long, thin hand, and before he could move, Jaden was thrown up in the air. A spike of Etherlight tore from his chest, and a scream from his lips. Pain filled his very being, such as he had never know.

Slowly words began to seep into his mind, though he saw nothing, and did not recognize the words at the moment. “I, the Allfather hereby cast you out from my inner circle. You are to follow your friend to the Mortal Worlds; for as you have seen evil, you have felt it and are polluted. You fall because of your mercy. Forgive me for that. But I am mercy. Carry with you your sword; and serve me in that world as you have in this world.”

With a scream Jaden was thrown from Etherhall. He was thrown from the service of the perfect king. Lights flashed before his eyes and when he awoke he was in an endless plain.

Sorrow filled his heart . . .

And then he remembered the Allfather's last words. The Allfather is mercy.

Ivan woke in a cold sweat.

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