Ladies of the Road

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"Ladies of the Road"

by LittleLionLove

Theresa Dwane sits with her legs tucked into her chest and face buried in her knees so no one can see the streaks of tears and mascara running down her face. Her three band mates all sit around her on the floor of the tour bus but no one says anything from fear that Theresa might lash out at them.

Her long blonde hair is draped over her face and knees like a curtain conceiling her face. Margaret Mumford is the first to get up and try to comfort her.

"It'll be okay, Teri," Margaret says whilst sitting down softly on the couch beside the Theresa. She brushes the blonde hair out of Theresa's face and then rests her hand on her shoulder.

"That boy is a fucking scumbag," Belle Lovett pipes up while picking at her purple nail polish. "You deserve so much better."

Theresa lifts her eyes to the three girls watching her. "But I loved Isaac so much," she says, her eyes welling up with tears again. "I can't believe he could just... Just..." she can't manage to let the word "cheat" out of her mouth. It causes her too much heartache.

"To hell with him," Margaret says, now rubbing circles on Theresa's back. "We're to find you a new man."

"I'm not letting that ass-for-brains get away with hurting Theresa," Winifred Marshall says, speaking for the first time since she sauntered in with a bag of potatoe crisps. Since then, Winifred's blood pressure level has skyrocketed and her face is starting to look more purple than its normal pale tone. She and Theresa have a special connection, you see. A connection that is unmatchable to any other pairing in the foursome. Anything happens to Theresa and Winifred's anger levels go through the roof.

Belle turns to her and says, "Winnie, Teri doesn't need this right now. She's in a lot of pain right now. She shouldn't be thinking about revenge or anything like that."

What Belle didn't realize was that Theresa's ears perked up ever so slightly at the mention of revenge. Though she loved Isaac, and she was really upset after having to break up with him, she liked the idea of getting back at him. Maybe it was the little devil inside of her, but Theresa wanted to hurt Isaac just as bad as he hurt her.

"Actually..." Theresa mumbles, sniffs, and continues, "Revenge doesn't sound like a bad idea to me..."

Belle raises her eyebrows and her eyes widen just barely. Winifred crosses her arms over her chest and gives Theresa a sly smile, which Theresa then returns.

"You sure about this?" Margaret asks while running her fingers through her sleek black ponytail.

"Yeah, I think so," Theresa says and pushes herself up on her feet and stretches her arms up above her head. Winifred does the same from her place on the floor, but her shirt rides up a bit, revealing a banjo tattooed on her lower back. Most people find it tasteless but she refers to it as "self expression".

It's not like Winifred just decided on a whim that she would have a random instrument as a tramp stamp. Although it's rare that you will find a banjo-playing Londoner, this girl has been playing it for years with her band, Mumford & Daughters. Margaret, Belle, Theresa, and Winifred have all traveled the world, playing anywhere from small pubs to stadiums.

Margaret Mumford, from whom the band got its name, plays guitar and does the lead vocals for the group, which makes sense since she's probably the loudest of the four. Belle is on keyboard and contrary to her stage persona, is the most reserved of all the girls. Theresa is the silent but lethal type, being a few years older than the others. And then there is Winifred; she's basically just a big goof-off.

"So what are we going to do?" Theresa asks the others.

Winifred smirks. "Oh, I have plenty ideas."


There is a low thump of music and the roar of screaming fans off in the distance to accompany the soft crickets of the nighttime symphony. Theresa, Winifred, Belle, and Margaret stand behind Isaac's tour bus, dressed head to toe in black, with their backs pressed up against the cool metal sides.

"Wait, wait, wait," Theresa whisper-yells as the the others start to tiptoe toward the door of the bus. "I have to take a selfie to commemorate this moment."

Margaret softly groans. "For the love of god, Teri," she whispers, "Again?"

Theresa grabs her iPhone out of the back pocket of her black skinny jeans. Holding it up in front of her face and fixing her hair in the front facing camera, she angles the phone so she can get everyone in the shot and everyone gives their best mischievous grin.

"Hashtag, revenge is sweet," Theresa says while her thumbs type furiously on the screen of the phone.

"Your obsession with Instagram is really starting to scare me," Belle says but Theresa just sticks her tongue out her.

Margaret, ignoring the banter, sticks a key into the door of the bus and gives it a good shove. When the doors give and squeak open, the four ladies pile inside and have a good look around. Belle nervously fiddles with her tight black dress before speaking up. "Are you guys sure about this?"

Theresa walks over to Isaac's favorite guitar, with a small metal object in hand. She flashes the object for the other girls to see more clearly. It's wire cutters. With swift motions and a wicked grin, Theresa takes the cutters to each of the six strings, fondling each with care before snapping it in half. "I am absolutely sure about this," she says.

With that, there is a crazed energy that is released in the bus. The four all of a sudden go wild, tearing things down and removing things from rooms, tossing half of it out the windows. Winifred walks over to the stereo and puts in a Mumford & Daughters CD.

"Why are we listening to our own music while we do this?" Margaret asks with confusion.

"Because we rule this bus now," Winnie shouts over the guitar booming through the speakers.

"Whatever, I have something I need to do outside," Margaret says and exits the bus. Winifred shrugs and heads back to where Theresa and Belle are.

"What are you doing!?" she shouts as she sees the two girl opening bottles of beer and dumping their contents out of the bus window.

"Just making Isaac's night miserable," Theresa says, knowing how much he cares about his alcohol.

"But that's such a waste!" Winnie says. She snatches a bottle from the cabinet and opens it, chugging the contents with a grin on her face.

Belle makes a disgusted face. "We're here to trash, not get trashed!"

"Lighten up," Winifred states and shoves an open bottle into Belle's hands. She waits expectantly until Belle puts the beer up to her lips, taking a long sip. Theresa grabs the last two bottles; one for herself and one to toss out the window for Margaret to catch. When she spots Margaret outside, can of pink spray paint in-hand, she can't help but wonder what's going on.

"What are you doing?" she asks.

"You all want to come out and see?" Margaret asks.

Theresa, Winifred, and Belle stumble out of the bus to see what Margaret has been doing outside this whole time. They greet Margaret with giggles and laughter and join her in admiring the work of art that had been created on the side of the vehicle. Arm in arm, the foursome stare at the pink spray painted words that Margaret wrote.

"Don't fuck with the Ladies of the Road."

{A/N} There we go, número uno, how I see the boys if they were clean shaven and had boobs.

Vote, comment (I always respond!) and follow and just talk to me! I would love your feedback! See you soon, Lovelies!

PS if you were wondering about the Love It epilogue, it's being published on September 3rd (my birthday woo) because I want to do something special for you all on mah special day!

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