Chapter 8: Next Step

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Rainbow Dash

Firestar had been in Ponyville for about a year, now. We'd been together a grand total of 13 years. Wow! Talk about taking your time!

We were at Sugarcube Corner's cafe, enjoying a date. We talked about pretty much anything, really; the Wonderbolts, what's new, plans, etc..

"Okay," Firestar began, "you know how, every couple of weeks, I visit Cloudsdale, again?"

"Yeah." I replied.

"I got back in touch with Windfall. You'll never guess what she told me."

"What'd she say?" I asked.

"Remember that party after you got your Cutie Mark? The kiss?"

I chuckled. "Yeah. Heck of a start to a relationship, if you ask me."

He laughed. "Agreed. And a little over a year later, at your birthday party? The..." His voice dropped to a whisper, "... pre-made Moon Tea packages?"

I giggled. "Yep! And I remember using them, too."

He blushed. "Yeah, that we did." We shared a laugh. "Anyways," he continued, "get this; both of those were orchestrated by none other than our best friend, Windfall!"

I gasped. "No way!" I smiled, chuckling. "Windfall did that? Wow! You're messing with me!"

"It's the honest truth!" He laughed. "And that's not all; she offered to pay for something else, last time I was there."

I waited for him to tell me. "Um... what?"

He winked. "It's a secret."

I faked an annoyed huff. "Fine, then!" I exclaimed, making sure my tone had some playfulness in it (Firestar wasn't exactly the most socially bright pony, sometimes). "Be that way! Meanie."

He gave me such a ludicrous, fake look of being offended, that I couldn't hold it for more than a second. We both collapsed, laughing heartily.

We talked some more. Eventually, we got up to leave. Firestar looked behind me. I turned around in time to catch my friends, the other Elements, standing there. Twilight was winking at him.

I looked at her, confused. She motioned for me to turn around. I did, and found Firestar holding a box. All of a sudden, he was fidgeting around, being really nervous.

"Uh... Fire?" I said. "What's wrong?"

"What?" He started. "N-Nothing!" He exclaimed. "Nothing's wrong! In fact, everything's right. Perfect. Well, almost..."

"...Okay? I'm lost, here."

He smiled. "Rainbow, we've been together for thirteen years. You're the world, to me. Rainbow... I love you!" He opened the box. A set of hoof-rings were sitting inside. "Will... Will you marry me? Be with me, forever?"

I stared, speechless. I definitely hadn't been expecting him to propose. Finally, I got my breath back. "I-Y-Yes!" I exclaimed, happy beyond words. "Yes! I will!" I tackled him into a great, big hug, locking right onto his lips.

The kiss itself didn't last long, as we were in public, but I don't think we truly broke all physical contact for a long time. Cheers erupted from all around, as we stood back up. They got louder when I put one of the hoof-rings on.

I grinned like a maniac, estatic. I was overjoyed. Truly, I couldn't believe this was happening. If I was honest with myself, I'd loved Firestar even back before I moved to Ponyville, seven years ago. If he'd asked me then, I'd have had the same answer. Now? I loved him even more. When I said yes, there was absolutely no doubt, in my mind. Firestar is the stallion I wanted to spend my life with. To live with, to grow old with. Maybe even have a family, eventually.

Twilight trotted up. "Congratulations!" She exclaimed.

She wasn't the only one that did so. I felt like half of Ponyville congratulated me, in the cafe, alone.

As we were walking to Firestar's house, I (needlessly) helped him put his own hoof-ring on. "I love you." I told him.

"I love you, too." He replied. "So much."

We shared a kiss, and found ourselves at his doorway.

"Goodnight, Rainbow." He sighed.

I smiled. "Who said anything about me leaving?"

He blinked. "What?" Then, his eyes widened. "Oh!"

I giggled, and snaked a foreleg around him. "Come on, Star! Show me just how much you love me." I pulled him into the house, with me.

The night soon got very fun.

But, honestly, the best part? It was with Firestar. I loved him, he loved me. We were spending time together (albeit in an extremelyenjoyable way). That was the most important part, to me. If you asked him, he'd give you the same answer.

Life just got a bit better.

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