Chapter 3: How I Fell for Him

Start from the beginning

I found my thoughts turning to his body. His slim, sexy body. Not too hard, but not too soft, either. Well-toned, strong muscles. Couple all that with his personality? Mmm...

I shook my head. What are you doing, Dash? You're not in heat anymore, are you? Wait... is it possible...? Do I... Do I likehim? No way. I've only been a mare for about a month! Is that even possible, so soon? I shrugged, putting away the internal conflict, for now. My dad was hosting a party for me, tonight, in honor of surviving my first heat (and for getting my Cutie Mark). It was more of an excuse to have a friendly get-together, but my dad had hinted that there was a reason only ponies with Cutie Marks went to the last part of it.

I'd gotten a little concerned at that, but dad had just laughed and told me it wasn't like what I'd inferred.


The party was awesome. Firestar, Gilda (we'd patched things up last year), and even Windfall (who'd changed drastically, for the better, since we'd all met Firestar) showed up. We chatted, lounged around, and basically just had a good time.

If I'd known what was coming, I honestly don't know if I would have gone. Knowing what eventually came from it, though, I likely would have.

"Okay, everypony!" My dad said loudly, putting all attention on himself. "Party's over! Grown-ups, head to the kitchen! Everypony else, we'll see you all tomorrow!"

After saying our "thank you's" and "goodbye's," dad and I got everypony back into the living room.

"Time to mess with the star of the party!" Dad said.

"Wait, what?" I exclaimed.

Thus, the pranks and games began. But the coup d'etat, however, was beyond unexpected; Kiss the New-Grown.

"W-Wait! Wha-What!?!" I exclaimed, as Windfall told me, in private.

She just laughed and unrolled a piece of paper. "All the females have voted. The lucky stallion is..." Her eyes widened, and she laughed. "Firestar!"

"What!?!" I exclaimed, again.

"At some point during the next hour, the two of you have to kiss." Windfall left to tell Firestar. He had pretty much the same reaction as I did.

Over the next half-hour, the two of us reluctantly avoided each other. But we got outsmarted. The two of us found ourselves alone in the kitchen.

"So..." He began, "how are things?"

"G-Good." I replied.

"Um... you know, we-we don't have to... we-we could just, um-"

"Oh, just come here!" I said. I grabbed him, and kissed him, right on the lips.

He stiffened in shock, but then melted into it, as did I. I don't know for sure, but I'd guess that we stayed lip-locked for a good five-or-so seconds. Our lips brushing together, our forehooves embracing each other. As if we were old lovers. It just felt... right.

When I finally pulled away, I looked him in the eyes, and said "Consider that my thanks, for keeping me out of trouble."

"Uh... Uh-huh." He said, still in shock from the kiss.

"Was it good?" Windfall's voice asked from the doorway.

I whirled around, gasping. Everyone who'd "voted" was clustered around the doorway, smiling. Some of them even started softly clapping.

We were both blushing harder than we'd ever thought possible. Windfall grabbed me, and steered me into a private corner. For some reason, everypony let us keep our privacy.

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