Last Lunch

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"Soooo Maxman how's Roxanne, ha!" Asked Bobby not really caring about the answer just caring about the fact that his question rhymed and he had a can of CHEDDA WIZ with him. Pj came running around the corner "you guys won't believe it but I just beat Henry Needlemires record for eating 12 hotdogs over 11!" It all went silent, Max and Bobby looked at each other, Max mumbled "we believe it" while Bobby mumbled "no surprise". Pj rolled his eyes and starting eating the hotdog that was in his hands Max reached out to snitch some but Pj pulled away to fast. "Na uh man!" Max frowned "aw Peej isn't 12 hotdogs enough?" Bobby and Pj looked at each other, "yo Maximilian talk to me, what's bugging ya?" Bobby said locking his arm around Max's neck. Max gives a sigh "I don't know what's wrong I haven't seen Roxanne since yesterday. The date went so bad last time she probably doesn't even wanna see me again" Pj looked around the corner and back around to Max and Bobby again, "uh don't think too fast man here's Roxanne now" Roxanne greets Pj and Bobby and asks if she could borrow Max for a quick second.
"Hey" Max says chuckling and trying to contain his excitement to see her. They hug, she kisses him softly on the lips. "Hey, you know how last date didn't go as planned with just me and you?" She says shyly looking at the ground swinging one leg back and fourth, Max nods in a guilty way. "Well I asked my parents if they were free tonight, they said yes so I was wondering if you weren't busy tonight that you'd like to meet them properly?" She asks nervously. Max hesitated but finally gave in and accepted knowing too well that he and her dad, Charlie do not get along. Then the bell rang for last class Stacey came along, she and Roxanne went to class. Bobby scurried off to his class and Pj and Max had science together. After talking with Roxanne, Pj and Max went around the corner then bumped into a boy who seemed to be Roxanne's ex-boyfriend, Chad. It looked like he was standing there listening to Max and Roxanne's conversation. He looked at Max from head to toe three times then gave him a displeased look as if to say 'Roxanne could do better' he then pushed past them and went in the other direction. Max and Pj just walked to class.

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