this is my first real fan fic so i hope you keep reading:)

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I stumble over Sammi but she keeps sleeping I put on my makeup and brush my hair, crap it's already 12:30 I have to be there in half an hour. I call a cab, when they get here I jump in.

"It's freezing" I whisper to my self "City please" I tell the driver

I'm 10 minutes late thank god he is still there, I hop into the booth and make him jump

"I thought you weren't coming" he takes a sip of his coffee

"Yea I woke up too late"

"You look beautiful"

" do too" oh no he's going to think I'm crazy

"Okay..." he trails off "Wait worst you ment to bring my jacket" oh no this is a disaster

"Um...I might have forgotten" I giggled

"You have a beautiful smile" omg he is gorgeous and he keeps complimenting me he is perfect

"Weren't you in a movie"

"Yea which one" he is amazing and an actor nothing is this good something had to go wrong.

"Wow so you are the real deal" crap Sammi, Lauryn and Rikako come in I knew this wasn't going to last they sit behind him so they can hear us god they are all sitting on the same side so they can see me, so much for not attracting attention plus I'm sitting with an actor

"Yea I guess.. aren't they your friends" he whispers no no no this is going down hill, he stands up from the seat opposite me, please don't leave he sits back down next to me putting his arm around my sholder

"I don't even know your name"

"It's Ailee.. I don't even know your age for all I know you maybe 30"

"I'm 20 actually but thanks for saying I'm 30" he said it in a sarcastic tone, he lifts one hand up looking at my friends giggling, he signaled them to come over, oh no

"Your hot"a girl walked past she had a annoying voice, before I knew it I was kissing him on the cheek the girl turn around and stormed out

"Ohh lala" Lauryen said

"Shut up" I teese

They sit down at our table, what do I mean our well maybe, is this even a date I think I am getting ahead of my self I don't know if he likes me or not well if he doesn't like me why does he have his arm around me. After lunch he drove me home and the others stayed in the city. After a long car ride with small talk I finally get to my apartment Sammi and Rikako will get home soon until than I'm alone. He gets out the car and runs to my side and opens the door, he is a gentleman too this can't get better he offers me his hand to get out and kisses my cheek.

"Thanks for taking me out" I feel blood rushing to my face

"Thanks for coming" I blush and get butterflies he smiles

"Do you want your jacket"

"Not at the moment we can organize to meet and I will get it than" he smiles and gives me one more kiss on my cheek and gets into the car

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