Meeting him for the first time! ❣

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Hello my name is Claudia! I was into Crawford Collins when I saw WeeklyChris's musically and it made wonder how cute he was but I had a nice feeling about him and it just seemed right so I kind of looked him up and saw lots of videos and pics.
Claudia's Pov: "I was so excited to see my favorite YouTuber Crawford Collins it took me awhile to ask my mom but was worth it!"
-I waited till my mom was getting herself ready plus I know Im already am but Im feeling so nervous and I don't know why though.
-So later on my mom was all dressed up and we went inside the car and drove to see my favorite guy who I liked so much!
- We went out and oh no traffic we were going to be late omg what if we miss our seats and someone try's to take our no worries my mom said it was ok and the traffic should last for no more than 2 mins I hope.
- "mami!
- "que pasa?" And yes we speak spanish and our family is werid but I love them anyways.
- "are we almost there yet?"
- "not yet but we almost there"
- We drove for 5 more mins and finally my mom said "we are here"
- I was so excited I couldn't wait so we found a parking spot and we went to the stadium and it made me so proud and did you know lorie was coming my best friend ever she is coming with her mom and they were going to leave us there until it was over so they can pick us up!
- I waited for lorie and I texted her
~To lovely lemon lorie🙊🍋:
Are you almost here?
~from lovely lemon lorie🙊🍋:
We are here!! Im so ready!!
~To lovely lemon lorie🙊🍋:
Me too meet me in front of the stadium. 😁✨
~from lovely lemon lorie🙊🍋:
Sure thing girl! 😊💙
- she saw me and we both went inside it was amazing can't wait for the concert!
- So we waited and we got our backstage passes and it was so cool when we saw the stage!
- We went to go backstage and see other Youtubers that were there and we saw Brent,Eva,Andrew, and so many more...
- I told Lorie how amazing it was to see all of them so we went to see them and I did get kind of shy around them but they were happy to see me!
- So we walked some more then after I went to check on my phone when someone bumped into me that's when I saw a cute handsome boy with brown eyes walked into me "excuse me sorry I didn't see you there" *smiling nervously* .
"It's ok so are you here to meet new people?" I said: " yes I am and I was just about to see you aren't you... Cutt off by crawford collins "Crawford collins yes I am and over there is my brother Chris collins" . I looked over a saw a blond hair boy with blue eyes and I waved to him and he waved back. " well nice to meet yall" I said. He answered back saying " nice to meet you too you look very cute today I love your outfit do you wanna hang with us after the concert is over?" So I said " I would love to and by the way this is my best friend Lorie". " nice to meet you too Lorie". She said "well it's nice to meet y'all and we would love to hang with you and your brother too". He said " well you wanna talk with me and my brother for awhile before the show?". I said " sure that would be great". *alittle shyly* he noticed and said "you are nervous around me aren't you" he said with a smirk. I said "no I just don't talk much and it's my first time being here". He said " uh huh you know you can't resist me I'm too good".

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