Chapter 41

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Author's note: Long time, no see- eh? I know that I promised to be back earlier, I wasn't exactly expecting to take almost a four month break. Christmas day is so long ago now! Anyway, thanks to some certain individuals pestering me, along with the new readers that have cropped up, I have finally settled down to write again. I won't be updating as often as before, but I will still attempt to get one chapter out every Sunday. Without further ado, welcome back the shenanigans of Samantha Murphy and co.

~~~16th March 2015~~~

"Have you got everything packed? Or do I need to get some clothes driven to your flat?"

Charlotte's voice is shrill down the phone line, panicked to say the least. A lot has happened in the past five days, but ultimately it has been positive.

Relationships between me and my previous enemy have been patched up. Despite me still not being completely comfortable around her, I am less afraid than I was before and more than willing to forgive her.
It's because I now understand. I totally understand why she lashed out at me.

As Sonny grew up, he didn't feel content with the way he looked or how our mum treated him. So when he had to watch me parade around with all the support I could ask for, it's obvious why he got upset. Jealous even. The fact that I constantly took it for granted probably didn't help either.

"Listen, Charlotte, I'm fine. Niamh is fine as well. You need to get back to your treatment so I'll text you when we board. Buhbye now-"

I quickly hang up before she can argue back. Even though I haven't warmed up to her quite as much as she has to me, she still insists on mothering me, as if to make up for lost time. Or the more likely reason, to guilt me from revealing her past identity. Not that I would anyway- that'd just open a whole can of worms I'm too tired to deal with. But I guess she doesn't trust me and Niamh. Apart from us, the only other people who know about her masculinity are the doctors attending to her chemotherapy, and they're sworn to patient confidentiality.

"Hey Sam- the car's here! Let's go already!"

Amy's voice booms through my room, interrupting my train of thought. I throw a shady glare up at the clock to be met by the time. It's ten already?! I scramble to stuff the rest of my clothes into my suitcase with one arm, not bothering to fold it. Guess I'll be regretting that later. My roommate's shrieks continue to urge me along, laughing at my rushed packing. I throw a jumper at her when she appears in the doorway.

"So, Sam, who's taking up the final ticket?" I glance up to see an evident smirk on her face. My cheeks flush.

"Oh, no one. Just a friend of mine." I avoid eye contact by scanning the room last time. Have I forgotten anything important- wait, I don't remember putting my passport in my purse! I start rummaging desperately through the pile of clothes left on my bed.

Amy pushes herself off the wall and scoffs. She plucks my passport from my desk and hands it to me authoritatively. "Since when have you had friends- come on, cough it up. We'll find out soon enough any-"

"WE GOTTA GOOOOOOOOOO!" My sister suddenly flies into the room, grabbing me by my good wrist and dragging me away from Amy. I smirk at the fact I avoided her questioning and wave my slinged arm at her. She grumbles before following us up.

Right before she reaches me, I suddenly sprint out the front door, yelling at the other two to chase me. I hear them sigh at my childlike behaviour followed by what sounds like a pair of trainers slapping against the floor. They're catching up. With a sudden burst of energy, I speed down the staircase and throw myself into the limo Charlotte arranged for us. You know what, there are some perks to being related to her.

"You... CHEATED!" I turn around to see Amy leaning against the car door, straining for breath. She shoots me a deadly and accusing glare. I simply chuckle and drag her down into the backseat.

"Wait for me!" Jess totters out of our block of flats, dragging all three of our suitcases behind her. Whoops. I scoot around Amy to run to my sister's side and assist her in loading the boot. By the time the chauffeur has gotten out his seat, we are already closing the door.

"Sorry, ma'am, I'm so ver-"

"It's no bother. Could you just please drive us to the airport as fast as humanly possible?" The driver blushes carelessly before bowing and rushing back to his door. I smirk briefly before ducking into the limousine myself.

The journey is fairly quick, full of Niamh shaking with nervous excitement and Amy trying to trick me into revealing the secret guest. She's simply going to have to wait to find out herself. I try to retain a neutral expression as she questions me, struggling against her hard stare. I breathe out in relief when we pull up at the airport.

"Are you sure you don't need help with finding your gate, Ms Murphy?" The chauffeur shyly offers me a hand to step out the limo, a meek smile on his lips. He's nervous, how adorable.

I grin up at him with what I hope is a grateful expression as I enunciate my response. "I'm sure we'll work it out, Mr..."

"Lennard. Mr Joseph Lennard, ma'am." He gently takes my hand as I step out the car, cradling it as I lean my weight against him. I shuffle away awkwardly and busy myself with unloading the suitcases. When I look back up, he is busy chatting with Niamh. By the way she is twiddling her hair and cocking her leg, I'm guessing she's pretty interested in what he has to say. I stop and stare as she throws her head back with laughter, so deep in conversation and happy. It's nice to see her like this.

"Earth to Sam, helllllooooo?" I refocus my eyes to see Amy stood before me, hands on hips with a slight frown on her face. "Are you listening? We have to go!"

I quickly fumble to grab the last suitcase with my good hand and chuck it in Niamh's general direction. She squeals as it skids past her, gripping Joseph by the forearms in panic. I chuckle to myself as I click the boot shut and head over to them. "Alright now, show's over. Let's go. Oh, and Joseph? I will definitely be putting in a good word about you to the Bellandini's. Don't worry." He tips his hat in appreciation before waving us off. We all hold hands and disappear into the crowded building. And when I say crowded, I mean crowded.

I wrap one arm around Niamh and pull her to my chest as an angry mother storms past, pushing a buggy with a screaming child in it. The wheels barely skim Amy's toes before she jumps back hastily. She glares at the woman with pure hatred, before the stranger is engulfed by the sea of unhappy passengers swarming towards us. Panicked, I grab both of the girls by the hand and half sprint, half drag them towards one wall of the room. We need to compose ourselves before we face the crowds.

"Where is our gate? I sent you the email Mr Bellandini sent me- didn't I?"

Amy scrolls through her phone with a composed tone before producing the details and reading them aloud. "Gate 223. He says that because it's a private jet, they'll know who we are when we get there. No need to pass through security." I throw my gaze up to the board hanging high above us, scanning for directions. Aha!

"Found it- this way!" I start to lead my party off when I feel someone rest a hand on my shoulder. They turn me around slowly and meet my face with theirs. I relax into an excited smile before throwing one arm around them in a hug. "You're here! Tom!"

Housekeeping: A Tom Cassell/The Syndicate Project Fanfiction [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now