Chapter 2

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Hamlet ran into the forest with Horatio in pursuit, he stopped and turned around, causing Horatio to bump into him.

"Why are you following me?!" He asked.

"Hamlet....I....." But Hamlet cut him off,

"Horatio, I heard your whole conversation with Fransisco."

Horatio stuttered, "uh-uh-um..."

Hamlet cut him off, "Horatio, I don't hate you. You've been my best friend for years. I love you Horatio."

Hamlet hesitated for a second before he leaned in and lightly kissed Horatio on the lips, Horatio kissed him back. The kiss didn't last more than two seconds before Hamlet shoved Horatio back.

"I love you like a brother... Like a friend... Nothing else!" It sounded like Hamlet was trying to convince himself more than Horatio.

Horatio rapped his arms around Hamlet's waist, "Do you really love Ophelia?"

"Yes.... I..... Not as much as you... But we can't... I'm the prince" he stuttered.

"Exactly, you're the prince. You can do whatever you want. Come on, please..." Horatio stared into Hamlet's eyes, Hamlet was a bit taller than Horatio so he looked down at the shorter boy as he stared back.

Horatio cupped Hamlet's cheeks with his hands, and started to pull him in for a kiss, when he heard a shriek, he turned and saw Ophelia standing close by.

"Hamlet what......are you..........DOING!?"

Just as quickly as she had appeared, she dashed off. Hamlet and Horatio looked at each other.

"We need to stop her," Hamlet started, "She'll tell her father, for sure!"

"Or worse," they finished together, "the King!"

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