Rules ~ Chapter 1

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Carl POV
Glenn's agonising screams fills the air. Michonne screams for him. I hang my hed in silence, avoiding Negan. I turn to Dad and he nods slowly. I return back to my position. "Get up." Negan's voice makes me flinch. He's grabbing Sasha by the arm, her head turned away. He lifts her chin and shakes his head,
"You seem scared, don't worry. No one else will be killed. Yet." He says and pushes her towards one of his men. He does the same to each and every person, one by one. Just throwing them around. Then I hear him approach me. He leans close to my ear,
"Bet you're glad I didn't take that eye out of yours eh?" He laughs down my ear. He grabs me and lifts me up. I look straight in his eyes now. I spit on him and he loosens his grip on me and wipes his face. Everything that happens next, happens in a blur.
I wake up to Maggie sobbing. I try to move my hands but I'm stuck. Negan. I look around, my dad isn't there. But Negan is. He's crouching beside me and smirking.
"Where is my Dad?" I ask, scowling.
"Your Daddy is in the other room boy." He grabs my arm, "Now get up" he says. I give up resisting.
"Where are you taking me now?" I ask sighing. He doesn't answer, he just shoves me towards the wall.
"Listen up. I'm not letting you go. I'm just going to un tie you." He pauses, I look at him confused.
"You can walk around, there is no way out though. The guards will be watching you." He un ties me and I let out a sigh if relief. "Your room is down there." He points to the end of the hallway. I look back but he's gone. I shrug. I need to find my dad. I start jogging the opposite way and I stop in my tracks as I hear a voice. I look to where the voice is coming from. It is coming from behind the door in front of me. I lean in closer to make out what they're saying.
"Don't move ok?" Its Negan.
"Ok." A young girl. Not anyone from our group. Have they got Enid? No. She's back home. The door opens and I quickly hide behind the wall. Negan walks out, not bothering to shut the door. When he's out of sight I move towards the door. A beautuful girl sits on a bed before me.
"Hello?" I ask, knocking on the door. She looks up instantly and pulls a knife out of her pocket. I put my hands up.
"Woah! It's okay! I'm not going to hurt you." I say backing away. She giggles. That takes me by surprise. She puts her knife down. She shakes her head and murmers something to herself.
"Sorry, I thought you were one of Negans guards. I don't particularly like them." She says smiling. She jumps up and holds out her hand.
"Hi! I'm y/n!" She says. I shake her hand in reply.
"Carl." I say, "Are you one of Negans prisoner's as well?" I ask. She laughs.
"No, well-" she pauses, "I guess thats what I am yeah." She says, the grin not leaving her face.
"Well hello y/n." I say, a smile making its way onto my face. I haven't smiled for a while.
"Now, you'd better get out of here if you don't want a beating from Negan." She says in a whisper. She winks.
"Ok. I'll see you around?" I say.
"Sure." She says smirking.
I turn and walk towards the door as I feel a tug on my shoulder.
"And I'm sorry about your friend." She says. I nod and walk out.
Sorry this is a bit crappy for my first one. :) Really hope you enjoyed this! I will be writing more soon xxx

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2016 ⏰

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