Chapter 5

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Chapter 5~

Maloney's P.O.V

When I was done, I just sat there, staring at the water, thinking. I know they're in a better place up there, they're in less pain, but if I know that, why is it so hard for me to accept the fact that they're gone and that they will never be able to come back?

Why couldn't it have been me? I'm sure they would have gotten over it by now. I had to lose the two most important people of my life, the people who have been by my side since day one. The people who would give me the best advice and say that it's ok if I fail, as long as I know that I have tried my hardest. The people that loved me unconditionally.

I turned my head once again to see if anyone new had come, thankfully there still wasn't anyone. That would have been awkward, having a random girl sitting down, singing and playing guitar, with tear stained cheeks. I decided to get up so I could leave, considering the fact that I've been for about an hour and a half and go back to the house, I wasn't planning on calling it my house anytime soon.

After a nice long walk back, I was finally here. I really hope Harry wasn't there. I don't think I have any energy left inside of me to talk to him, I'm so drained from today I just want to rest and I don't think I can handle anymore.

When I walked inside, the warmth embrace me . I hadn't realized how cold I was until now, but yikes it seems like I visited the North Pole! it was then that I realized the blissful smell of hot chocolate that was coming from the kitchen.

When I entered the kitchen, I saw Anne standing there by the stove waiting for the hot chocolate to be ready, with a worried expression on her face.

"Anne, are you okay?" At the mention of her name, her head snapped up.

"Oh My, Maloney, where were you?!" She ignored my question, she didn't sound fully mad, just a little but mostly relieved.

"Uh, just out, you know to catch my breath and whatnot. I'm sorry for not telling you." I apologized. I honestly felt bad, here she is worried sick where I am, because I was selfish and just took off out of my own anger. But I don't regret what I did, I needed it, and it helped me calm down.

Gemma came home about half an hour after me. So right now it's Anne, Gemma, and I, we just talked, drank some hot chocolate. Then Gemma and I decided to go to my room. As we were going upstairs I ran to my room, there no way I was going to take a chance of seeing him yet.

"Why'd you run, scared the bogyman was behind you?" She laughed.

"Ergh, how'd you know, I thought I was doing a pretty decent job, dang it Gem, always finding things out!" I laughed along.

Gemma and I just sat on my bed talking about how we can decorate my room. Gemma's room was purple so I wanted mine to be a different color.

Just then a knock had come from my door, I looked up and saw Harry standing there. I rolled my eyes, I really don't want to be anywhere near him.

"What do you want?" I growled.

"I don't want anything from you!" he hissed, then turned his attention toward Gemma. "Gemma, mum wanted me to tell you and her to come down, dinners ready."

OUCH! So now we can't even call each other by our names? I know I'm mad at him, but why'd he have to do that, he could've told me to my face, and called me by my name, it would've helped this situation. ERGH! Why I even care?!?! I hate Him! But then how come I was hurt by the way he treated me?

"Geez! I leave you two for no more than five hours, and you guys want to eat each others heads off!" Gemma laughed, I laughed along in hopes she doesn't suspect anything, I hope she was joking, she was right? RIGHT? I don't want anyone to know about Harry's and I argument, it's between us, and us only.

I went downstairs with Gemma hot on my trail, that's when I smelt the amazing scent of Alfredo Fettuccini. Mmmm, by favorite. We took a seat and the dining table. It was Robin at the head of the table, with Anne on his left and Harry beside her. Then Gemma was to Robin's left, with me right next to her.

As I was eating I felt eyes on me, I looked up only to find Harry staring at me, he gave me a smirk when our eyes connected. I rolled my eyes, recently it's been a natural reaction when it comes to Harry. He's so confusing though! One minute he's begging for forgiveness, the next minute he's can't even look at my face, nevertheless say my name! Now he's staring at me and giving me a smirk! Bipolar much?

"So Maloney," I looked up at the mention of my name, and saw Anne looking at me. "You're starting school them this Tuesday, are you excited?"

Oh crap! I totally forgot! What if Harry's in my class?!

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