The Same Enemy

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Jesse's POV.

"Ugh, we've been walking for hours! Where's the dungeon?" Petra groaned. She was getting grumpy.

I patted her on the shoulder. "We're almost there. Just hang on for a bit."

She smiled as a reply. I blushed and smiled back. Wait... what?

"Yes! I see it!"

We all increased our footsteps to see what Axel was saying. And what we saw made Petra extremely excited.

"Woo hoo! We found the dungeon!" The dungeon was underwater, no too deep, and it was large as well.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's swim!" I exclaimed and drank a Potion of Water Breathing. I felt a bit dizzy...

Everyone drank the potion and we dived into the water. We breathed like normal and quickly got to the monument.

"Arrg, thesse Guaardians aare anoyyinsh.." Olivia said. We couldn't clearly hear or speak underwater, but I understood what she was saying.

After some swimming we reached the monument without drawing any attention from the Guardians. I motioned them to swim in.

8 minutes... that's how long we could breath underwater. It might be just enough to grab the loot and go. We found some chests and opened them, but it was empty.

"Guuyss, ovbber heere." Lukas said, pointing to a room. We swam towards it and felt dry... the room wasn't filled with water!

"What... why isn't this room wet?" Isa asked, while walking around. Axel examined the walls and chests. It was empty, again.

"Looks like this place must have been looted. Or else how would there be air here and the chests are all empty?" Petra suggested. I nodded and went to the center of the room. Nothing special.

"We must be late. Someone took all the loot." Lukas sighed. He sat down on the floor and wiped his armor.

"It can't be! This dungeon just spawned in yesterday!" Axel exclaimed. We all turned our attention towards him.

"What? Just yesterday? Then's not possible for someone to find it that quick!" Olivia said, shocked.

"That's the point! Someone must have followed us!" Axel yelled. We shushed him and got ina circle.

"Okay, so this underwater dungeon just spawned in yesterday, which is impossible to detect. Someone must have been fishing when it spawned." I tried to make a conclusion.

"No, it's impossible." Petra cut in. "Dungeons spawn in when there is open land, with nobody insight."

"Then... that only leads to one explaination."

"What's that?" Lukas asked.

I lowered my voice to a whisper. "Someone is following us."


The room was silence for a while. We were trying to hear footsteps, or any moves that could lead to someone here. But there was no sound, only water flowing.

"Well, the only place we could go is... woah!" I tripped over something.

I fell flat to the floor. I think I tripped on a pressure plate. Suddenly, a hidden wall behind Axel opened. Everyone was shocked.

"Woah... what is this?" Petra asked, slowly walking into the room.

"Looks like it's a hidden room. But there's never rooms like these in the dungeons!" Lukas said.

I took a look around. It seemed like it was already built before the dungeon was spawned. I went over to a chest to check some loot.

"Hmm.... emeralds... gold... sweet diamonds!" I said to myself. I kept everything I found in my inventory and continued to look for more loots.

"Hey guys...check this out!" Axel shouted from the other side of the room. We walked towards him and saw him holding a staff. "What is this..."

"Seems like a staff. But what kind?" Lukas asked as he examined it. He took it and looked at it for a while. "I think it's a lightning staff."

"Woah woah wait, a Lightning Staff? I thought they were only in mods!" Olivia exclaimed as she took hold of it.

"Then apparently this world has mods." I explained. I snatched the staff from Olivia and examined it too. When I turned the staff around, a paper slipped out.

I picked it up and read it.

"To whoever that is reading this, I'm sure that you are in danger. Right now, right this second. They are coming, non-stop. No matter how hard the Order tried to defeat it, it keeps on coming. It will never give up.

As you are reading this, I will probably be gone from this world. I surrender this Minecraft World into your hands. Please, protect it from them. Only you can save it.

Remember, not only the storm is withered,

But the people are."

"What does that mean?" Isa asked as I finished reading it.

I shrugged. "It looks like someone predicted that another Witherstorm is coming. And I don't believe that."

"True," Petra agreed. "But the last sentence... but the people are. What does that mean?"

"Maybe the people are becoming more selfish?" Axel stated. "I mean, people nowadays are getting more bad."

"But it doesn't match." I said. I placed the paper deep in my inventory. "Let's think about it when we're home."

"Oh, and what is thay thing you got there?"

That voice. That annoying, vicious sound. He almost killed me. He made me fall from high up in the sky. He had destroy a city.

"Aiden. Why are you here?" Petra asked, trying to control her temper.

"Oh well, I heard about this dungeon spawning. So I decided to check it out. And once we were done, we also let down some booby-traps for you. Isn't it nice?"

I rolled my eyes. "Very nice."

"And that pressure plate was going to set off TNT." He pointed at it. "I don't know why the TNT wasn't set off, and why would it open up a hidden door."

"Just leave us alome, Aiden. You have caused enough trouble for all of us." Isa commented, frowning.

"Hah, I see you joining these losers. Perhaps I would like to take that paper?" Aiden said, walking towards me. He then threw himself for the paper. Good thing I dodged it.

He fell to the ground and got up. "Blaze Rods attack!"

Maya and Gill appeared behind Axel and Olivia, trapping them with their hand around their necks. Aiden then kicked Lukas and they both wrestled.

Only me and Petra were unharmed.


1. Help Olivia and Axel.

2. Help Lukas

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