Chapter 2: Putting The Plan In Action

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Ray P.O.V: 

Keesha ordered me to get straight on facebook as soon as I got home. So I did and sure enough Aliyah was online. She always was. 

'Hi' Aliyah messaged me.

'Wassup' I replied.


'Notin. Hbu'


'Is something wrong??'


'What is it?? You can tell me.'

'I know I just don't know how to tell you. Plus i'm nervous.' If she tell me she got a boyfriend imma be beyond pissed. 

'You don't have to be. Just tell me.'

'Well... umm I really like you but I don't think I could have you, i've never met you in person and I don't know if you have a girlfriend or...'

'Hold on Aliyah calm down' She wanted me like I wanted her, plus she thought I had a girlfriend? Hell yeah! A nigga happy. 'I actually don't have a girlfriend and I really like you to' 

'Really!? :D'

'Yes! Really! :D' I kinda feel bad cause we're using her but I honestly do really like her.

'I'm so relieved! I been wanting to tell you that for months!'

'I'm juist happy you felt the same way. Cause i've liked you for months.' I sent back. She was typin but I beat her to it. 'So are we together now?'

'I don't know. I haven't met you in person, haven't talked to you on the phone...'

'Well how about you come to a Meet & Greet we havin on Saturday and you can have two VIP tickets. One for you and a friend.' 


'Really! I wanna see my future. ;D'

':$ Awe. Okay but how you gon send em to me.' 

'I can scan em and send em to you through yo email.'


"Ight. I love how you ride wit my crew. ;D'

"Yup. Till Death! ;D'

'Good. But is you gon ride wit me till death?'

'Hell yeah! If you ridin wit me till death and no one else.'

'You got it future ;D' 

':$ :D' 

'Im bout to send you the tickets future.'

'Okay future.'

I sent her the tickets through her email.

'Okay I sent em.'


'Did you get em yet?'

'No not yet.'


'Now I got em.'

'Good :)'

':) So bring one friend right?'

'Yeah. Yall get an hour and a half alone wit us.'

'Yay! :D'

'Fr! An hour and a half alone wit my future!'

'The best hour and a half of my life is what it's gon be. 'We gon call that Hour And A Half In Heaven.'

'That's the best name anybody could ever name it! :D'


'Ight future imma see you tomorrow. Can't wait to see you. :D' 

'Can't wait to see you either. :D I'll talk to you tomorrow and i'll be bringing my friend, you know the blogger.' 

'Cool. See you tomorrow future. I'll be waiting for my hour and a half in heaven ;D.'

'Me too :$ ;D. See you tomorrow.' 

A nigga pretty happy. I smiled slightly as I laid back on my bed. 

Aliyah's P.O.V:

   Me and Ray's conversation just ended and a girl pretty happy. Ray (Ray twice if you nasty) is my future, MY FUTURE! I dialed my best-friend, Nani's, number. She picked up.

"AHHHHHHHH!" I screamed into the phone as soon as she picked up.

"AHHHHHHHH!" She joined in. "But what are we screaming for?" She lightly laughed as well as I did.


"Yes, that's me."

"You won't believe what i'm about to tell you."

"And what is that?" She said sounding pretty curious. 

"I'm Ray from Mindless Behavior's future!" I screamed. 

"You mean imposter Ray from Mindless Behavior on facebook."


"Aliyah. That nigga you talkin to on facebook could possibly not be the real Ray."

"But he is the real one." I said partially sad my best-friend doesn't believe me.

"I'm sorry Aliyah. I should really stop saying he's not the real one, cause he might be. I just don't want to see you hurt again."

"I understand."

"If nobody's gon tell you the truth then who else but your best-friend." 

"True. Thanks for being there Nani. Now can you be here with a packed bag." I smiled.

She laughed. "For what?"

"I want you to spend the night. And I want you to go somwhere with me."

"Where is this somewhere?"

"It's a secret?"

"Okay. I'll be there."

"Yay! See you best-friend."

"See you. And don't think I don't believe you cause I do."

"Thanks. See you."

"See you." I hung up.

I plugged in my hadphones blasting 'Future' by Mindless Behavior in my ears. 

Nani's P.O.V:

   I just got off the phone with my best-friend Aliyah to hear she's the future of Ray from Mindless Behavior.  I have a feeling she's talking to the real Ray but I just worry it's not. Aliyah will be crushed if it's not the real Ray and I don't won't her to get hurt again. But if she does get hurt i'll be there for her when she needs me.

I finished packing and made my way downstairs while screaming. "Heading to Aliyah's spending the night."

Getting an 'okay' I left the house and headed to Aliyah's.

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