"Caroline help Sheila get....appropriate will you."

"What do you mean?" I took a step back as she reached for me. 

"Honey, you need a haircut and new clothes, no ones worn something like that since 1904."

I looked down at my dress, "What's wrong with it." I looked at Michael who just blank stared back at me, I sub consciously touched my hair.

"You hair is going to be touching the ground if you don't cut it. Caroline."

"But I want to hear the case!"

"No, this will be between me and the man." I frowned, not if I can help it. I shrugged letting Caroline drag me away, not before I touched Cameron on the shoulder leaving a little hearing device imprinted into his cloak. He should know me better.

I followed Caroline into a darker smaller room with candles lit, "You're not going to cut a lot away are you?"

"Just make it up to your elbows."

"No! That's so short!" I bunched my hair together holding it, I was not going to let this evil woman touch me. She may look small but with that hidden smile of hers she looked quite deadly. I inched away from her as her fingers touched my shoulders pushing me into the chair.

"Alright I'll just trim it, cut the edges off." I met her gaze in the mirror and frowned, "Promise?"

She nodded and I let her take my hair since the conversation in my ear started.

* *

"So Cameron, I have a feeling you know why I am here right now." I heard Michael's voice say, it was almost like a whisper, speak louder, scream god damn it.


"Then why did you say you 're not going to say something the very minute you knew who I was. Let's cut the games Leila said you'll help."

"Sheila, her name is SHE-LA."

Yeah you tell him Camie.

"Right, important things," I could hear ruffling and something being placed on the counter, "No I do not give you permission to record me."

"All interviews must be recorded, they aren't going to be used court without your knowledge, it's just so we have a recorded report. It's for internal reference" I heard Camie groan and mutter something under his breathe, and whilst Michael might not know what he said I had a feeling it was cursing him. Oh Camie, centuries don't change you.

"Where were you on the night of 22nd April 2016"

2016? 2016?

"Here, at my shop, alone and just because I had an alibi didn't mean I killed him!" Camie's voice rose, almost shakily.

There was a short pause, "How do you know who I'm talking about without me asking you?"

"I'm not stupid, it was all over the news and he was at my shop the day before, maybe me the last person he saw that was recorded."

Who are they talking about?

There was another noise, writing on paper? "Well at least we're on the same page. Did he have any enemies?"

Cameron scoffed, "Are you kidding me, the entire town hated him. He wasn't a nice man detective. And you should all know that he would be in your records."

"In the police records yes, we are following up on that, there were a lot of allegations but not much evidence."

"Do you know why?" Camie's voice was even softer now that it made it hard for me to hear him, especially when I could hear sniping in the background. "Because he's not human like Sheila."

Genie in a Wine BottleWhere stories live. Discover now