Chapter 34 - The True Proposal

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"Jaa... How about you, Sousuke-san? What were you doing lately?" Ran finally asked.

"Don't answer me with another question. I was the one who asked you first" Aizen countered her.

"But I have the rights to know too! You've been going somewhere these days! I thought you want to spend your time with me for my summer holidays. But, you're the one who always gone now!"

"I told you I was looking for--" 

"Don't lie to me!" Before he could finished his words, Ran already shouted at him-rather loud. "Sousuke-san... You went to world of living, right? What are you doing there? I thought you hate being there, then why are you there? Tell me" There was a long a pause before Aizen answered her. "Sousuke-san..!" She called him while holding on his sleeves, begging him for an answer.

"...You do not need to know that now" Aizen said. His answer causing Ran shocked about it. All she can think that Aizen was obviously cheating on her. A betrayal. She let go of her hold on his sleeves and descended from the bed. "Wait, Ran! You still haven't answer me"

"...That's enough. You don't even give an answer to me so why should I?" She stood up and headed to the door but before she could open it, Aizen already stood behind her and put his hand on the door, preventing her from running. Just by having him standing behind her, Ran could smell something different from him. A scent of a perfume. A woman's perfume. She now concluded that Aizen was indeed...two-timing her.

"Ran..." He grabbed her arm but Ran immediately slapped his hand very hard, startling Aizen. To Ran, she felt disgusted to thought his hands were touching that woman's body and she didn't want that. 

"D--Don't touch me with the hands that already touched another woman!" She shouted at him. 

"...What?" Aizen confused. He was trying to understand her words as she mentioned another woman. "Why you mentioning another woman here?"

"Th--That's what you've been doing, right?! In human world... You were..meeting with that woman. Are you...cheating on me?" She could feel her eyes became watery.

"Cheating? Why I would do that? Don't think something ridiculous like that. Moreover, how did you know that?"

"...So, it's true?" Ran finally dropped tears. She could only think Aizen is cheating on her and the fact hurts her very bad. She always thought she could believe Aizen will looked at her, loved her and will not let anyone hurt her. But, then... He was the one who hurt her the most.

"Ran... Listen to me first--" Before he could grabbed her shoulders, Ran immediately opened the door.

"Just leave me alone!!" Ran shouted and ran away from him. She could hear Aizen was following her and only hoping she could hide somewhere. She didn't want to see him. She wanted to be separated from him for awhile. Or possibly...forever, and then...

"Uwa! Are? Ran?" Ren appeared in front of her. She bumped to him rather hard, startling both her and Ren. "Oi! What's wrong? Why are you crying?" He looked at her and found Aizen already behind her. "Hm? Aizen?"

"What's wrong, Ren?" Gin appeared inside the room. "Hm? Ran-chan? What's wrong??" Gin asked worriedly. 

"Ren... Hand her over here" Aizen ordered him. Ren could tell something happened between them and he knew what's the cause. He also could feel Ran's hold around him became more tighter. He knew Ran didn't want to face him now, so he decided... 

"Gin... Accompany Ran for a moment while I talk to Aizen"

"Huh? S-Sure. Come here, Ran-chan" He hold her arm and escort her inside the room. Just by looking at how Gin easily hold her arm like that, causing Aizen wanted to hurt him very bad. He didn't want anyone touched Ran that easily. Only he could touched her. When Ren made sure Ran and Gin already inside the room, he turned his attention to Aizen.

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