"What are you trying to say?" He said looking confused looking between me and the wine bottle, "How does a wine bottle relate to you? Is it your? Did I take it you can have it back."

"It is mine actually," I nodded, "Well not mine mine but I took it off someone else a few hundred years ago because my lamp was stolen."

"What? Are you high?"

"High?" I asked confused. He reached out touch me again and all he felt was air, warm air though. My soul was warm. He cursed again rubbing his head.

"I must be drunk,"

He stood up, "Where are you going?" I asked confused to why he was disappearing.

"To bed, and you better vanish when I wake up."

I smiled, let's see. This man was so strange, Joe believed me right away why wasn't this so...doubtful. I heard a door slam and I stood up stretching, my bones cracking in various spots. 

"I'm hungry." does he have any food? Being locked away really works up an appetite. 

* * * 

I looked up as I heard footsteps, and emerging from the corridor was the human rubbing his forehead, I watched him walk straight to the kitchen grabbing a glass of water alongside with something else popping it into his mouth and draining the glass, before he froze.

His eyes landing on me.

"You have to be kidding me."

"I didn't say anything." I shook my head.

"I thought this was a dream."

I shrugged that's not my problem. I look at the candle burning in front of me, it was so beautiful that's all I had been doing since the sun rose. Watching this candle burn, not to mention the amazing smell that was coming out of it. 

"I can't deal with you right now," He said softly like he was talking to himself and opened the fridge, I shrugged, going back to watch the candle.

I had to take these back with me too.

"Where is the food?"

Oh, about that, I looked up, "I ate it."

"What?" his grey eyes stared at me again, "You ate everything in my fridge."

"Sorry I was really hungry. If you wish for it, I can grant you a fridge that never empties."

"What are you talking about? How can someone eat everything in the fridge. You ate a tub of butter?"

I shrugged, "growing girl." I patted my stomach smiling. The human cursed again running a hand over his forehead before walking over to the dining table, dragging a chair out and sitting down.

"Look. Who are you?"

I opened my mouth "Sheila."

"How did you get here."

"You brought me here."

He groaned leaning into his chair as I frowned. "This is a joke." 

"Not really, anyone else would be happy they called on a genie! And here you are, a sour puss." I shook my head, "Where did you get this candle?"

"A what?" He said like I just said something absurd and sat up, okay maybe I did, "Maybe you're the one that's off here."  He muttered.

"I'm a genie." I smiled proudly, and he laughed, not just any laugh a full sarcastic laugh that hurt my feelings and I frowned How rude.

Genie in a Wine BottleWhere stories live. Discover now