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someone asked if their story was bad and I said their character lacked common sense bt it was still entertaining


I'm laughing u don't understand the fans went fucking apeshit on me and the author made a chapter abt quitting the story because of me and tried to guilt trip me for being the one to end the story
I skimmed and there's people calling me an asshole, someone calling me ignorant and a whole fucking 4 paragraphs I'm guessing of this rabid fan just cussing me out I wish they hadn't deleted the chapter so I could show you

:^) man I didn't know I was such an ignorant asshole cunt it's a good thing the kind people of Wattpad were here to notify me 💖

it's stupid but they muted me before I could post this and I don't want these sick burns to go to waste so

literally grow the fuck up?? you asked if the story was bad and you chose one comment stating something remotely negative out of the mass of comments telling u they literally live for your story? I wasn't even trying to rile you up just merely stating my opinion which you yourself asked for in the chapter. Not even gonna bother to read the mess your fans made. If you can't take even one person that doesn't praise you that's not my fault?? Also the ' it's no problem' bit was sarcasm on my end to clear that up. Regardless sorry if you got your feelings hurt, it was not my intention

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