Unsent Message #2: AdriaMenthe

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Title: Hate Me Once, Shame On You.

Author: AdriaMenthe

Message: Sometimes, I wish that I could hate you. I used to love you once, and maybe that was my biggest mistake. I used to love you and now I only feel sadness sprouting from what little feeling I have left for you. You gave me my greatest gift, and I will always thank you for her. But I want to hate you because you have shown me how little you care about those who depend on you the most. I want to hate you for putting the material things in life before the love and compassion you could give. I want to hate you for your dependence on drugs and alcohol. I want to hate you for every time you hurt me. But how can I hate the person that gave me my daughter? I guess I will just have to try a little harder.


Our very first Unsent Message! Please remember to vote and comment so all these lovely people can understand how much we can connect to them! Shout out to our very first Unsent Msgs!




(P.S. If anyone would also like to make a cover for this please feel free to!)

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