Chapter 4

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I just stared at this little girl at my door. She was dressed in what used to be a frilly dress, but now was a dirty ragged sack, hanging very loosely of her frail, twig-like body. I was so mesmerized with her dark curly locks being so similar to mine. Her deep blue eyes resembled sapphires, just as mine do. Also she had olive skin with freckles scattered about...just. like. mine. I called my mom over and she stopped crying; because she fainted.

I invited the girl inside. I still haven't questioned the girl about how she new my name. I splashed my mom with cold water, and it took a couple splashes for her to come to. When she awoke she began bawling and hugging this girl, which confused me because there was no marriage or death. She continued hugging and crying for the better half of half an hour. Finally I got the nerve to pipe up and I yelled "MOM! WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?!!" She paused abruptly and looked at me and said "WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?! CAN'T YOU SEE THIS IS A MOMENT BETWEEN ME AND CECILIA!" she screamed at me. Then she began to shake, realizing what she had just admitted.

"Did you just say Cecilia?" I voice quavering.


Hey Hey!!! Glad you are enjoying this so much!!!! It really means a lot to me!!!

Love you lots!

Peace, <3, and MELANIE!!!!!

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