Chapter 5- She's back! >:S

Start from the beginning

Nora: *Tearing up* Me too *she says crying and then hugs Eddie* *She then whispers in his ear while still hugging him* Thank you for being there for her. She really loves you and I can tell that you really love her. Thank you so much for showing her that she is important and extremely talented.

Eddie: *the two still hugging, whispers back in Nora's ear* I'm going to keep making sure that she is safe at all times and that no one will never hurt her. *they both stop the hug* But I did all I could tonight, so don't blame me! *he says in joking like voice*

Nora: I would never blame you. Sometimes you can't help her but I really truly appreciate everything you do for her.

They both end the conversation and turn their attention to the stage and Loren's spotlight and listen to the beginning of the song and both patiently wait for Loren's gorgeous voice to start singing.

Loren starts to sing.

Loren: (Lyrics to Selena Gomez's, "Stars Dance" song. ALL CREDIT GOES TO SELENA GOMEZ AND HER BUISNESS PEOPLE)

"Wake up to your dreams, and watch them come true. I'll make you whisper my name, and never leave the room. Night and day, I'll be your muse. No other girl can make you feel the way I do." the colorful lights go on and the single spotlight goes off to reveal the whole stage in a colorful and fun way. CHORUS: "I can make the stars dance, and light up the moon. I can make the stars dance, if you want me to. The sky is everywhere, so meet me under there. I can make the stars dance dance dance for you you you." "Don't be afraid, close your eyes. Let me take you to places that you've never been tonight. I thought by now, you'd realize, I can do anything I put my mind to." BACK TO CHORUS. "Everything I touch, turns to love. Everything I do, will open up heaven. Instead of us falling, we're flying in love, nothing's forever because we are just, star dance" BACK TO CHORUS x2

(To hear what the song sounds like, watch video clip attached to this chapter.)

The crowd cheers hysterically and Eddie couldn't hold it back any longer, he had to rush out to the middle of the stage and give Loren a hug that lifted her off her feet. Then Eddie waves to the crowd and literally runs off the stage. Loren couldn't even grasp what just happened so she just kept smiling and started to thank everyone in the microphone and starts introducing her next couple songs. Next she sings, "Mars", then "Flow" then she's down to one more song left. She pauses the concert before she starts singing and says this...

Loren: Thank you everyone but now I'm going to have to do my last song that I have prepared for you guys. But I need someone to sing it with me because it happens to be a duet!

The crowd starts yelling and chanting think it's them but they calm down after they notice Loren walk off stage and to start coming back out, dragging Eddie along behind her. She hands Eddie a mic.

Eddie: *Whispers to Loren* When did you plan this?

Loren: *Whispers back to Eddie* Just now. *she then giggles*

Loren: *says back in her microphone* Now singing with me is my amazing boyfriend, Eddie Duran!

Eddie: *says in his microphone* If there was no music.... *he pauses for the audience to catch onto his little clue on what the next song was going to be.* .... me and Loren would have never met.

The music starts and the two begin to sing, "If There Was No Music". By the end of the song, Loren and Eddie look at each other and gaze into each other's eyes as the crowd continues cheering for the performance they just witnessed. The audience then realized that Loren and Eddie were looking each other and having a "moment". The crowd starts to chant, "KISS, KISS, KISS, KISS!!!!" They kept cheering until finally Eddie and Loren locked lips and the light dimmed off slowly till then again, there was complete darkness. The two were shooed off the stage by the stage crew trying to prepare for the artist, Taylor Swift!!

Eddie: We sound so good together!

Loren: That's why I decided we needed to share that performance with a bigger crowd than the crowd at our mini-concert at MK.

Eddie: Good decision!

The two were then swarmed by Kelly, Max, Jake, Nora, Melissa, and a couple fans with backstage passes who were eventually removed from the side stage back to their seats.

Kelly: That was an amazing surprise Loren!

Max: Very spontaneous!

Jake: Incredible!

Melissa: Lo, that was beautiful, you too Eddie!

Nora: *hugs Loren* I'm so proud of you!

Loren: *still hugging her mom* Thanks mom.

Kelly: So how did that feel superstar?!

Loren: Amazing! I felt so comfortable up there!

Eddie: You looked pretty comfortable... like the whole entire time.

Loren: It was a lot of fun. Well, I'm pretty beat! Let's get back to the hotel, then tomorrow we can all go sight seeing in this eventful city of NYC!

Melissa: Actually Lo, I have to get to the air port. I told Lisa that I'd be on the next flight back to LA as soon as the concert was over.

Loren: *Pouts for a bit, then says in a pouty voice...* okay, but call me when your flight leaves! Kay?

Melissa: I promise! *hugs Loren* See y'all later! Back to the Ol' Lisa Jail House! *laughs and walks towards the front of the huge auditorium.*

Everyone watches as Melissa walks away and then turn their heads back to each other to finish their conversation about tomorrow.

Loren: So that leaves us 5! Anyone else going to ditch me!??

Nora: Actually sweetie, me and Max are going to do our touring tonight. You can join us.

Loren: Definitely not. I'm way too tired to do anything but relax tonight. Go on without me. And let me guess who's next..... Kelly and Jake are going to be doing some business all night trying to book me and Eddie more gigs and exposure?!

Jake: Actually Loren, me and Kelly need to head back to LA as well to as you said, book more gigs and exposure.

Kelly: *says to Loren,* you don't want to stop your fame here do you?!! *she asks by knowing the logical answer.*

Loren: Oh my gosh no! I loved tonight. I feel like I want to do this for the rest of my life.... or until my voice just disappears! *making everyone giggle at the statement.*

Kelly: Well then, hope you understand. And we gotta go. Our flight leaves in an hour and half.

As Kelly and Jake walk away, Jake turns back and tells Loren that he was truly proud of her performance tonight and so he got her a present that'll arrive in the morning at the front desk and not to forget about it. Then Jake meets back up with Kelly and they both walk out to the 2nd limo they brought so they could leave separately when they needed to.

Eddie: Well that leaves us!

Loren: Oh, I guess it does...... *she gives Eddie a flirtatious smile then grabs him by the hand after standing there smiling and looking at him, and the two head back to the hotel*


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