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"This party sucks." I frown, crossing my arms as I walk in beside Julian, making sure to keep my distance from Fab, whom I'm still angry at.

"We literally just walked through the door." Julian shakes his head. "Lighten up."

Nick soon runs off with his new lady friend and Albert and Nikolai join us shortly after.

I end up sat on a sofa by myself beside a couple making out. Julian had gone off to get a drink and never came back.

Fab keeps giving me looks from across the room. It's really starting to annoy me, so I stand up and storm over to him.

"Got a problem?" I stare at him with a frown.

He shrugs. "Are you really still mad at me?"

"Obviously." I look away.

Fab placed a hand on my shoulder and looks at me with sad eyes. "Look...I'm sorry for snapping at you...I really am. Thanks for caring."

I stare at him for a few seconds, knowing I'm gonna cave in and forgive him anyway, we both embrace each other in a hug.

"How's your head?" I ask as we pull away.

"It's all good!" he smiles.

"Don't drink too much." I tell him as I start to walk away. "I'll catch up with you later."

After about an hour of looking for Julian, I finally give up and go get myself a drink.

Nick is making out with the girl from before in the corner of the kitchen and doesn't seem to notice me as I grab a bottle of beer from the fridge. I shrug, popping it open and I walk over to an empty staircase, sitting down in the middle of it.

"Parties are great." I sarcastically mumble to myself, chuckling as I down half my bottle.

"I know how you feel." A voice startles me, making me turn around.

I look up to see a dorky looking guy standing at the top of the staircase.

"You do?"

"Yeah, my friends ditched me too." he shrugs. "You looking for anyone in particular?"

" boyfriend. Have you seen him?" I ask. "Kinda tall, long-ish brown hair, Camel T-Shirt..."

"The scruffy looking guy having a really bad trip in the bathroom?" the guy raises an eyebrow.

I immediately stand up and run to the top of the staircase. "Is he wearing a denim jacket?"

"That's the one." he nods.

"Thank you!" I run past him and check about 3 doors until I reach what I'm assuming is a bathroom.

I knock on the door. "Julian, are you in there?!"

I hear him groan, so I open the door, run in and shut it behind me. "Julian!"

He's laying on the floor curled up in fetal position shaking.

"What the fuck did you take?!" I kneel down beside him and rub his back. "Jules, are you with me?"

I place the back of my hand on his forehead that's shiny with sweat; he's running a fever.

I contemplate whether I should take him to the hospital or back to the apartment.

"Th-The..." Julian mumbles. "The walls...they're melting."

"He's dropped some acid." the guy from before says, leaning against the doorframe not looking phased at all by this situation. "You should probably get him home."

"I-I will...thanks." I look up at him and force a smile.

"Julian, you gotta get up now, okay?" I try lifting him up by his arms, but he doesn't budge.

"Little help?" I ask the guy, who nods and rushes to my aid.

Just as we're walking Julian out of the bathroom, we hear yelling. "Cops!"

"Oh, shit." the guys eyes widen. "We've got to get out of!"

We both help Julian down the stairs and follow the crowd quickly rushing out the back door.

I stop when I spot Nikolai. "Niko!" I call out, grabbing his arm and pulling him toward me.

"Jade!" Nikolai turns to me. "We've gotta get outta here!"

"Help me with Julian!" I say, nodding at the other guy, granting him permission to leave. "Thank you!" I call as he disappears into the crowd.

"Bad trip." I inform Nikolai as we lead Julian out the door.

Nikolai nods, obviously having dealt with stuff like this before. "I'll call a cab."

We keep walking until we stray from the never ending crowd of people going every which way. Who knew you could fit so many people in one house?!

We help Julian into the back of the taxi as he clutches his head in his hands, groaning.

"You know," I turn to Nikolai as he slides in beside us. "It'd be nice to enjoy a night out with you all without one of you getting fucked up. Is that even possible? I'm asking for too much, aren't I?"

"C'mon, Jade-"

"No, it's not fair." I shake my head. "I'm always left to make sure none of you do something stupid and get yourselves killed!"

"We don't need you doing any of that." says Nikolai. "We get on just fine without you."

"Oh, really?! Then why the fuck was Julian in a bathroom all by himself tripping on acid?!"

"We lost track of h-"

"Enough!" I hiss. "I don't wanna hear it."

"Jade, I-"

"No, it's fine, Nikolai..." I sigh and look out the window. "The next party you guys go to, I...I don't think I'll be coming."

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