In Sync

63 2 2

Increasing winds pulling us apart

My cries can no longer be heard,

Not even by you

Stronger and stronger they seem to get

No mercy, No patience

Fighting against the gusts makes me weak

But I'm willing to bear it, bear it for you

Harder and harder it seems to get

Pushing forward, sharp pain stinging my face

Getting closer, realizing you're standing still

Efforts are unbalanced...the efforts to reunite with one another

I stop to think why you wouldn't be pushing as well

But no legitimate reason crosses my mind

Stopped a second too long, for the wind knocked me off my feet

Blowing me backwards, all efforts now forgotten.

Back at the start, I shall remain

Wondering if you've given up on this

Wondering if you'll begin to fight for me,

Wondering if we'll ever be in sync again...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2011 ⏰

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