"I have to agree with Jonny, sir." Patrick said nodding in agreement. "Besides, I live in the highly secured Trump Towers and Jonny has a gated community with security."

"Yes, but that is the same gated community that Molly lives in and Caleb getting into it is very likely." He had a point, but I was still not concerned with the amount of security I had in place.

"I can't speak for Tazer, but I would feel better if Molly had that extra security." I nodded my head in agreeance. I looked over at Molly who was just staring down at the ground.

"What's the matter Molly?" She wouldn't look at me...hell she wouldn't even look up.

"If you will excuse me, I have to make a few more phone calls." Mr. Wirtz said walking to the door.

"Moll? What's wrong?" I asked turning her to face me after I heard the door shut.

"I won't need extra security. I'm going home on Sunday after the game and right to the police station. Then I'm going back to the airport and flying up to Wisconsin to visit some 2nd cousins or something." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I couldn't speak.

"For how long?" Kaner asked breaking the silence that had fallen on the room.

"I'm not really sure...until my dad feels it's safe...so indefinitely." I couldn't listen anymore. I could feel the weight of the air pushing me down. I was having a hard time breathing. I stood up and walked out. I heard Molly yelling my name, but I couldn't look back. I understood why her dad wanted to send her away, but I didn't want to lose her. I kept thinking that this could be an ongoing battle that lasted for a long time.

**Molly's POV**

"JONATHAN!" I yelled as the door slammed behind him. I knew this wasn't the best idea and I really didn't want to run from my problems, but my dad was really freaked out. "I'm sorry Pat." I could feel the tears spilling out. I really hated crying in front of people and this weekend was just one cry fest after another.

"Shhh, Molly...it's okay. This is not your fault." He said rubbing my back as I tried to control the tears.

"I need to go find him." I said finally starting to compose myself. "I need him..." I paused knowing there was nothing more to that statement. I just needed Jonathan Toews.

"Enough said Molly." We got up and walked down the hallway. We spotted him not even halfway down the hallway. He looked defeated sitting on the floor with his elbows on his knees and his face buried in his hands. I walked over and sat down next to him. Before I could say anything he turned towards me and threw his arms around me. We sat there for a few minutes, both shedding a few tears in the process. How could I have any tears left?

"Jonny, please let me explain." I started trying to get through this conversation as quickly as possible. I just wanted to enjoy what little time I had left to hang out with the boys, especially Jonathan.

"No, you don't need to explain anything. Your dad is just doing what he thinks is right. But, I do need to explain myself. We have been friends now for almost 10 years, but over the last few years I have been finding myself falling more and more in love with you." I couldn't believe what he was saying. This was only making this worse. "I know this is not what you want to hear, but I need you to know how I feel. I should have told you sooner, but every time I...things just never seemed to fall into place. I love you Molly Wirtz and I will wait until damn doomsday if that's what it takes to be with you." I didn't know what to say. I knew the feelings I had actually matched Jonathan's, but I was still in a relationship with Caleb. I knew I wouldn't be in it for long, but I still was leaving.

"Jonathan...you are my best friend. I'm just...I'm broken and I don't want to put that pressure on you to try and fix me."

"You aren't broken Molly. You are cracked from the douche you gave your heart to, but I promise that you are not broken. I will do everything in my power to help heal that crack." I smiled knowing that it was the truest statement that I had ever heard. "I don't want to talk about this shit anymore. I just want to take the rest of the weekend we have and make it special and fun."

"I would love that Jonathan! I just need to do one thing..." I grabbed out my phone. I needed to end it with Caleb. I found Caleb's number and opened a text box. I know it is a horrible way to end a relationship, but if I tried actually talking to him I would just end up backing down and probably never leave. There was just something about his voice that sent chills down my spine.

"You sure you're ready for this?" Jonathan asked seeing Caleb's name on my phone. I shook my head and started typing. I handed my phone to Jonathan.

'Caleb, I know this is not how anyone should ever end a relationship, but I cannot go on living like this. I deserve so much more than you and how you treat me. I have never felt so bad about myself and it has started the minute we started going out. No more...I am done. I am done with you...I am done with being your punching bag. Don't call me, don't text me, don't show up at my house. We are done and I never want to hear your voice or see your face again.'

 He handed me the phone back and smiled.

"Now, there's just one more thing to do Molly. Finish it..." I smiled and hit the send button. I felt relieved that I had ended things with him and now I could enjoy the time I had with Jonathan. I shut off my phone and stood up.

"I hear there are some really good MarioKart matches being played right now. Are you up for getting your ass kicked by a girl?" He laughed and my heart melted a little more.

"You can try and beat me, but I'm pretty sure it's just going to be a lost cause."

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