Part 5

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**Molly's POV**

I couldn't sleep. I had tried after I left Jonathan's room, but all I could muster was a quick hour and then I'd be awake for another hour. The cycle continued until 9:30 when I finally gave in and got up. I went into the bathroom only to find that the bruise around my eye was getting worse.

I shrugged it off and jumped into the shower. A nice long shower could usually put me in a better mood, plus I knew the hot water would help rejuvenate my body. I turned the water on as hot as I could stand and just let it course over me. I was probably in the shower for 15 minutes when I heard a pounding on the door. I shut off the water and grabbed a towel as the relentless pounding continued. I looked through the door to see a very upset Jonathan on the other side. I opened it just a crack.

"What do you want?" I asked, finding myself still a little upset from the day before. The look on his face changed as soon as I opened the door. "There are other people in the damn hotel Jonathan."

"Just open the door Moll." I could hear his voice crack a little as he talked. He looked just as tired as I felt.

"I'm in a towel...give me a minute." I could hear the sigh, but I knew I needed to get some clothes on before he came in. I had to get the bruises on my arms, shoulders, and legs covered up. I had told Jonathan that Caleb hit me, but I didn't elaborate or tell him that there were more bruises. If either Jon or Pat saw them, they'd be on the first flight back to Chicago whether they played tomorrow or not.

I grabbed the suitcase that had been in the room when I arrived last night and I started looking through it. I still wasn't clear on who picked out my clothes, but I really hoped Jonathan hadn't been snooping through my drawers. I pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie as I walked towards the door. I opened it and Jonathan walked in quickly.

"What the hell have you been doing?" I was taken aback from the harshness in his voice. I had to blink a few times as the flashbacks from the other night with Caleb came back.

"I'm...I'm not sure what...what you are talking about." I said stumbling on a few words as my mind could only picture a hand coming across my face. Jon must have realized what was happening because his face and voice softened immediately.

"I've been calling you since 9:30...your room and cell. I was worried." The soft words brought me back to reality.

"Worried about what?"


"Why are you worried about me? Afraid I'll hurt myself?"

"No, I was worried you went home."

" doesn't matter how mad I am at you, I would never just up and leave without telling you. I'd never want to freak you out like that. Besides you went through all this trouble, even knowing I'd be pissed at you, the least I could do is stay and watch the game." He smiled, which made me smile. There was just something about him that made me happy.

I had been in love with Jonathan for years, but there was always something or someone in the way. Now I had to constantly put that thought out of my head. I knew what Caleb was capable of and I couldn't let anything bad happen to Jonathan. Caleb knew a lot of guys in the NHL and I was sure that some of them were not big fans of Jonathan.

"Molly?" I turned to look at him. "Did you hear me?" I shook my head. I hadn't meant for my mind to wander, but it was becoming my way of coping with hard things. "I asked if you were coming to practice today. Well, if you wanted to come."

"Sorry, yea I'd like to come to practice today. I'm assuming my dad will be there, so I can just hang out with him."

"Cool, the bus..." I put my hand up to stop him.

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