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You yelled
" Do what? "
Jess said like she did not done something wrong
" (y/n) That was Nothing because... ,WERE GOING TO TALK TO HIM! "
Jess and her Friend Ran There way to him with Giggle . You were about to Chase them but you knew it was something Impossible that they would "TALK" to him just like that- Will, you kinda feel like they really are going to talk to him but you were to lazy for this . You felt like they were just Messing around with you .Well, Jess Waved at him and said to him that you Like him and he didn't give a Single Fuck about it . Cath and the Girls Walked away from you While your head was full of thoughts . They Leave the class and then You Put your both hands on your Face, feeling the Warm Heat on your On your cheeks . You started to Sweat feeling embarrass for what have they done to this guy
" Ok Calm down (y/n).."
You said to your self
" in Heal, ex Heal .. Whoo.. Its really Hot in here "
You Cross your Finger into your Hair moving it to the Back of your shoulder . You Looked at the Shutters then pull the Wire shutter down And the Shutter moves up . You open the window Sliding it to the Left then Sigh until suddenly the Guy with the Red hair is Looking at you with a Stern Face . You'r Eyes opened wide then you immediately Slide back the window close starting to feel MORE embarrass
Leaning Your head down to the Table
" Please don't Tell me his taking this Seriously .. "
You said Closing your Eyes shut . You took a Deep breath and then Sigh, Lean back to the Chair . You looked at the Class around you Realizing that your alone . You Stood up and Walk your way to the Dorm . You walked into the Hallway then you Walked Downstairs, you could Listen the noise and Of girls talking to each other and guys to . You walked Out then you Saw Jess and Cath standing Next to the Cement building . You walked your way to them then Jess looked at you while you walked your Way to them
" Hey We-"
" You TALKED to him..? "
You said Crossing your Arms and rising an Eyebrow with a Smirk
" We were just Joking though "
Jess said Smiling
" i knew it "
" Well..  i'm Sorry for Annoying you and i know you don't Like him , Right Cath? "
Jess hits Cath on the Elbow
" Y-Yeah .. Right .."
You looked at them Both feeling Weird that they Understood you that FAST . You felt like they were Planning of something Big . you Smile at both of them and Jess smiles at you but Cath didn't . You walked away from them and enter inside the Dorm building . You Just wanted to Forget what Happen, you thought to your self that they were just Massing around and Stuff . You walked Upstairs and there was Girls Talking, you Walked into the Hallway at the Right to your Door . You unlock that door and Enter then close the Door behind you then sigh . You looked at your room and you Felt Empty . Your room is Completely White and theres no Decorations on the Walls, there was kust nothing . you decided to Unbox your Boxes that were on the ground and take out all of your Stuff . You took out pictures of your Mom and dad . You took out all of your Pictures and Tumblr Pictures . You Wanted to make a Design , putting all the Pictures on the wall in a Heart shape . You turn on the Music on your iPhone . You Started to Put all the Pictures on the back of it a Glue to stick them on the wall While you Shake Your Hips with the Beats and nod your Head like Crazy . You stick the Pictures one by one in a Heart shape and the Time passed by while you did them all..

You stood up towards the Wall looking at the Pictures . It looked Like a picture of one of the Tumblr girls but there was one Picture Missing . There was a Gab on the Middle and you had no other Pictures to put . You were thinking until suddenly Someone Knocks at the door . You looked at the door then walk your way to open . You Open the door and it was Cath
" Hey Lover Girl "
She said Entering with a Smirk on her Face . You roll your eyes then close the door
" Wow .. "
She looks at the pictures that you just made at the wall with a smile on her face
" Thats cool "
She sits then Puts her phone on the Deck
" How did you know my Door Number and Why are you even here? "
" first thing i Love spying on people , second .. I'm Here to talk to you about the Guy and if- "
" OH! Come ON "
You said Rolling your Head and you just Felt like you Had enough of it . You got Tired of them talking about that Guy ,you just want them to stop
" No (y/n) ! Listen to Me- "
" I told you Guys i don't LIKE him ! And you guys said that it was just a Joke so that means were done "
" Yeah it was but the thing i want to talk about is just between Me and you "
" What is it?! "
you Started to Get upset . Cath pats at the Bed telling you to Sit down . You roll your eyes then Sit next to her . She Crosses her Legs and Put her both Hands on her Knee looking at you then there was an Awkward Pause
" is he Really Hot ?"
" No "
You lied , he was FUCKING SEXY ASS MOFO
" Ok well , why did you said his OK ? "
" Because he Looked.. OK? i told you i don't LIKE- "
" Ok Ok! i know You don't Like him but i want to know whats the thing you Liked about him"
You sigh then look at the Ceiling for a moment
" His red Hair- "
"And..?! "
She said and you felt her Leaning Closer to you
" His Face and .. Body "
When you said Body you started to Blush
" Go on.. "
" His.. "
You Remembered Him Sitting on the Ground Reading the Newspaper . Thinking about him made you Blush Deeply . You snapped out of it
" T-Thats It.. "
" Oh "
She Smiles at you then Stood up then you look at her
" I just wanted to hear this from you "
Cath takes her Phone on the Deck and Walks her way to the door . She waves Bye then Closes the door and you Sigh stretching your Back laying on the Bed . You looked at the Ceiling and Imagine Him Again . Every Time you Imagine his Body , you couldn't Stop blushing Red . You Grabbed the Pillow next to you and Shook your face into it then Scream with Relief . You close your Both eyes hugging the Pillow Tight then Fell asleep..

( Mid Night )

" Bang "
It was Still Night
" Bang "
You open one eye looking at the Time
" Bang "
Its mid Night and your hearing a Hammer noise outside
" Bang "
You Woke Up from bed then Look outside the Window leaning Forward
" BANG "
It was the Red hair Guy from the morning . he was hammering the Wall making Loud Banging Noise
" Bang "
You Sigh annoyed then stood up and Wave at him to make him look at you . He Realized that you were waving at him then he Stopped . He looked at you and you told him to stop, talking to him by the "Hand" Language . He looked at you for a moment then he Continues hammering the wall
" Bang "
You Did a Little Scream then sit on the Chair
" Bang "
You looked at the Apple and Banana that were next to your Back pack on the Deck . You took the Red apple and Look at it then half smile . your dad gave you this Apple Before You Left him this morning . You missed your dad a lot .. you Realized there was no Banging noise anymore . You looked outside to see the Guy and he was Looking at you but when you Looked at him he immediately looked away and continue what he was doing
" Bang "
You Sigh then Lay your Head on the Deck looking at the Guy working . You started to close your eyes but every Banging noise he Makes your Eyes opens but then you Finally Fell asleep

( Morning )

You Opened your eyes , the Alarm Clock Woke you up . You Lean back at the Chair feeling Pain on your Neck . You stretch your Back and Neck then there was a Note on your Hand . You read the note
" Meet me next at the cement Building were the workers are ! XoXo Cath "
You look at the Note Confused that why didn't she just Send you a massage and, it would have been Lot easier for her . You Put the note on the Deck and walk your way to the Bathroom . You took a Hot Shower and Brush your teeth . You Blow dry you hair and Put on your Cloths . You wore Shorts and a Black T-Shirt that has a Minecraft Logo Heart shaped on the Front Left . You did your hair style in High pony tail . you wore your white Converse then leave the Room and Lock it

You walked Your way to the cement Building were the Workers are and The guy with the dark Blonde hair from yesterday was Looking at you with a Smirk . You looked at him Awkwardly then Roll your eyes on him . You Stood next to the cement Building and there was no One . You stood there looking at the Wall then suddenly Some Grabbed you from Behind and pulled you back
He puts his Hand on your Mouth and He grabs you Around your waist . You Tried to Look at his face but he Kept Moving your Head straight By his Hand on your Mouth . You tried to Escape but he Kept Pulling you Back to his Chest . He Grabs you Pulling you Up and you Kicked the Air . You tried to Scream Hard but then He Enters inside a Big Car house then He Turns Around and Push the Door Close . He Let go of you and then you Turn to look at him and then your eyes Opened Wide . He Pulls the Wire shutter down and Open the Window with Anger then Point outside

Next chapter

I don't even like you (MarkiplierXreader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें