Author's Note

9.3K 149 19

First off, my apologies for having to scrap off writing If I Had Nine. As you know, somebody re-uploaded some of my work (Eight Question, Asymptotes, If I Had Nine) using a different account and I felt really bad about it.

I could not unpublish the first two because it would be unfair to you. However, I felt like I could no longer continue writing If I Had Nine. To me, it was tainted already.

So I worked on another one because as they say, when life hands you lemons, you make lemonade. So here I am, stirring.

Again, this is my 9th Monthsary gift to you because you gave so much love to Asymptotes (31k reads in 5 days!). I'm re-posting my shoutout because these people deserve it.

akosiDi MaiChardSailor

Anne26 Majh0y

Aldubcntrstage MarthaMontero

CediePatag Middle_four

Cmct31 Panotsha16

EdnaEsquivel RJandMengShipper

Ellendejesus SachaOh

Frosty_spice Sitaw08

HarlanRuiz Techiesangalang

Isymissy Thoughtlessthough

JenDeGuzman7 YnaKerns

Jhyanne24 Yumicruz

Kickshaw3676 ninz0517

LHiddleston Zetsurai

I am truly overwhelmed. I read all your comments but I could not reply to everyone or else I will be flooding the feed of those who follow me. I don't want to do that kasi baka ma-bad trip kayo/sila sa'kin.

So please tweet me, or send me a DM. I promise, sumasagot ako.

I'm @yowsapsap on Twitter.


N I N ETahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon