The Coronation of a King

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I had faith in both the queen and her son. They were my friends. I was their trusted bodyguard. Nothing could have been happier. Nothing at all, I nodded with satisfaction.

I chuckled softly to myself at the thought of Eya. She was my dearest consolation in life. If I ever had a hard day, I would roll on the floor and try to make her laugh. She was precious and pure like the morning sunlight. I would do anything to keep her that way,even die.

But that was why I was born. To be dispensable, to die. That is why I could not fall in love. Because if I died and left someone alone, that would be worse than just keeping myself from love. Father fell in love foolishly, and he also died, saving his king.

He left his wife alone with two children,but I became the man of the family. I took care of them both, but when I saw the depth of Mother's pain, the way she missed Father, it made me want to cry. She was beautiful—and I could never leave a girl like that behind.

The high priest, Kellakan, reached down to the velvet cushion at his feet. The Crown of Ages was a million years old or more. Everyone held their breath. I clenched down hard on my knife handles. This was a moment when everyone's life was held in the balance -- anything could happen.

I slowly let out my breath as the high priest lifted the heavy golden crown with his aged hands. It wouldn't help to be nervous.Then Jannerus glanced nervously at his step-mother, sitting a few feet away. Her hands were clasped severely in her lap, but I could tell she was afraid too. We were all feeling it, us in the tight inner circle at the palace. We knew how dangerous this was, and yet how hopeful to think that the Habashar Legacy was still continuing.She had to be proud to be the co-mother of something like that.

I grinned to myself for a second. I liked how realistic the queen was. She rarely hid what she was feeling from anyone. It must have been her genuine personality that pleased the king enough to marry her. Their marriage had pleased my father, so it pleased me too. She loved her step-son like he was her own, and defended him in the same way. There was enough trickery in life. I liked how simple her way was, yet how effective.

I heard Jannerus take in a quick breath as the crown touched his head, then his shoulders relaxed. He must have accepted what a great duty he had just been given. I was effected by it too. I blinked away a faint mistiness in his eyes. I knew all about duty, and what a heavy burden it could be. We were partners now, to keep the kingdom running smoothly. It was I who kept him alive at all costs, and he had to take care of the rest of the kingdom. That was a pretty big task, I thought to myself. But could we do it? Could we work well enough together?

I sensed I would be working with his mother more than him. Jannerus listened to his step-mother in everything, and she still disliked me because of Makus. I tried to let it slide at the moment, because it was a special occasion. But I knew she would mention it sooner or later when all the details of coronation were settled.

The prince stood up and turned to look at his people. Granted,these were his royal relations and friends, but still.... the whole world stood on the threshold to see him. I caught his eye. I was to walk with him when he went to the balcony. From there, he would wave to his people. I sighed. This was my favorite and least-favorite part of serving a king. I had to be in the limelight for a little while. Everyone made way for the assassin with the bare knives.

Prince Jannerus pretended to fold his hands as we walked along,but leaned down to whisper to me, "How do I look, Aven?"

I kept looking straight ahead at the stairs we were approaching,but I couldn't help grinning. "Like a king."

Jannerus nodded. I could tell he was pleased. "I guess I am,now."

We reached the foot of the stairs. I fell into step two beats behind him, a figure swathed in black with an edge to him that was menacing. Even I knew that. My appearance was impressive -- and that was the lightest word I could use. Most people were afraid of me.

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