Michael meets a beautiful girl called Sie part 2

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as Michael and sie pulled away they were in trance and could not Xcape each others eyes and then suddenly Michael gave Sie a DVD with a picture in front of it   and she asked "whats this " "you'll  know but don't play it until you get home okay "  said Michael with a serious tone "okay" and with that Sie left.

Sie's P.O.V

"What is this Michael gave this to me without  saying  whats on it ,that is strange  oh well maybe its a surprise (puts it in the CD player nope)  okay well it must be a DVD (puts it in the DVD player) Oh its playing hey Sie I know that you might think that I am a coward for not doing this in front of you but I hope you like this 1....2....3 

you've Got The Look

you are So Fine

And You Know Damn Well

you Will Be Mine

you Got The Breaks

your The Scene

And You Know Damn Well

you Gives It To Me

Black Jeans And

A Turtleneck Sweater

I Know you

Is Fakin' 'Cause

I've Seen you Look Better

you Composition

you Statistical Fact

you Got It Ready

For The Willing

Got It Kicking Of The Back

you've Got The Look

you've Got The Look

Wanting No Break Time

you've Got The Look

your Driving Me Wild

you've Got The Look

Wanting No Break Time

you've Got The Look

your Driving Me Wild

Come To The Place

Shock Tacy

And You Know Damn Well

You Know What I Mean

Hot In The Face

One And 3

Like A Pleasure Trip

Like You've Never Seen

Satin Lace

And A Paisley Cut Top

you Is Wasting Over

And you Knows

you've Got

you've Got Position

you've Got Just What It Takes

Got A Mojo

In your Pocket

Got It Ready

Just In Case

you've Got The Look

Wanting No Break Time

you've Got The Look

your Driving Me Wild

you've Got The Look

Wanting No Break Time

you've Got The Look

your Driving Me Wild

Authors P.O.V

aww what a sweety  said Sie in a cooie voice oh and also Sie you will get a knock at your door in t minus 4......3....2....1. knock knock knock "well go and answer it " said Michael with a pushy voice so Sie ran down the stairs and opened the door and saw Michael standing there with open arms and said "Sie baby be mine" and with Sie jumped into Michael's arms and kissed him passionately.

the end 

Michael Joseph Jacksonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن