Chapter 9: He's not my boyfriend!

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(A/N: Okay well sorry I haven't updated. Thanks for voting, and commenting!<3 Here's Chapter 9!)

Chapter 8:

"Jesse! Stop!" I yelled grabbing ahold of Jesses jacket. "Please! Jesse!" Jesse continued to punch Zeke in the face. "Jesse! Stop! He's not my boyfriend." Immediatly Jesse stopped and turned around looking at me but still holding Zeke down. "What?" "I said he's not my boyfriend!" "He said he was though?" Jesse asked standing up. Ignorning Jesse, I walked over to Zeke offering my hand to help him up. Zeke grabbed it, pulling himself up. "Beca, whats going on then?" "Well Jesse maybe if you would've let me explain instead of fighting with him, you would know." I began to walk toward the apartment door. "Wait Beca!" Zeke called from behind. "Can we still see each other?" "No." Jesse replied. "Actually, we can. How about sometime next weekend?" "Sounds great. I'll call you.." Zeke gave Jesse a dirty look walking off. "What the hell was that?" Jesse asked as Beca opened the apartment door. "Nothing." I replied slamming the door. "Beca!" Jesse called, knocking on the door. "Beca!" I ignorned him and walked into the kitchen and grabbing a coke and walking towards the living room. A few minutes passed and the knocking quit. "Beca. Please just let me talk to you for a second." Beca sat her coke down walking towards her dresser, pulling out yoga pants, and lime green shirt. As she put on her Nike shoes she heard soft footsteps. Opening the door quietly she saw Jesse leaving. She closed the door and pulled her nike shoes on. Then she walked back into the living room grabbing her pop. She grabbed her phone too and clicked new message. "Practice in 10" she typed and sent to all of the Barden Bellas.  A message popped up on the screen. She clicked on it, 'I know you dont want to talk to me. I'm so sorry about punching that guy but you know he said it purposely. Anyways not the point, please text me back? Xx' Beca caught herself smiling. Clicking the off button on her phone she walked towards the door. She slid her phone into her back pocket and walked out of the apartment.

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