Kids {Obikin}

613 14 2

Relationship: Obikin
Prompt: Chrèchemaster!Anakin


"WHAT?" Anakin yelled, his voice filled with surprise.

"Calm your voice. If you would like to adopt a child you have to prove to me that you can take care of one." Obi-Wan replied in a cool and collected tone.

"Do I really have to prove to you that I can take care of a child!" Anakin spat out.

"Anakin, you are only proving to me currently that you have a horrid uncontrolled temper!" The older man replied with a roll of the eyes.

"I don't want to be a crèche! I don't care for how long!" The boy insisted.

Obi Wan ran a hand through is hair and let out a deep, annoyance filled sigh before glancing up at his boyfriend.

"Fine. If you don't want to be a crèche even for one hour, we are not adorning a child." Obi said, a sense of finality in his tone.

Anakin stared at him with his mouth wide open. He stood and though for a minute. Perhaps Obi Wan was right. He could gain experience from this and even show Obi that he's worthy. But wait, he didn't need to prove anything did he? He was perfectly fine with children! However, he did want a child of his own...

"Ani? Are you still there?" Obi Wan clicked in front of his face.

"I am here. Fine. I'll do this but I'm doing this for you Obi, not for them." He groaned out.

Obi Wan smiled and laid a small kiss on Anakin's lips, in which Ani absolutely melted into.


"Anakin, keep your head about you! We're here!" Obi Wan fussed.

Anakin just rolled his eyes and stared at the magnificent Jedi temple in front of him. It was massive and absolutely gorgeous. The structure and design was flawless along with the programs that went on inside.

"Come on darling, it'll be okay. Just spend one hour with the younglings. Madam Pria will be meditating and she'll report back on how you did." Obi Wan tried to comfort.

Anakin watched the children inside the temple working with their lightsabers and using the force to lift objects. He spotted master Yoda saying something to a younger child.

Obi Wan turned Anakin's head so they were looking at each other. A small smile was on Ani's lips as Obi Wan leaned and laid a gentle kiss and pressed their foreheads together.

"I believe in you Ani."


Anakin walked into the temple slowly, making sure to take in the soothing surroundings and allowing them to influence his emotions. He had closed his eyes so he could listen to the waves crash against the shore.

"HELLO! I'm Madam Pria! Wonderful to meet you Master Skywalker!" A perky voice came from beside him, startling him.

"Oh- hi." He replied simply.

"The children are very excited to meet you so come quickly!" She ushered.

The lady grabbed his arm and thrushes him forward into the building, messing with the calm demeanour he had purposely given himself.

They rushed to the doorway when the lady said: "Take off your shoes. It's a rule."

Soon they were walking again and were met with a group of around 6 younglings. They were all beaming up at Anakin.

"Say hello!"

He heard a round of: "Greetings master Skywalker" and one child even stepped up to shake his hand.

"Hello kids" he said softly and kindly.

"Well I'm off!" Madam Pria gushed, rushing out of the room.

Anakin stood and admired the beauty of the building. The ceilings were so high and a flowery design rimmed the roof.

"Ahem. What shall we do for the next hour?" A small voice spoke from the back of the small ensemble.

"Well... Um... You see... Er" Anakin stuttered out.

"Has Master Skywalker forgotten his plan?" A snarky older child said.

"I do have a plan. We shall play tag and then read!" He growled at the child, hostility laced in his tone.

The children looked scared and upset.

"I'm very sorry we've upset you master, we truly didn't mean to." A small girl spoke.

All the children nodded sadly and let out a few apologies.

A feeling of guilt took over Anakin and he kneeled down to speak to the younglings.

"You haven't upset me, children," he began.

They looked up at him slowly.

"Now let's play tag!" He said enthusiastically making them all giggle.

One small boy walked up to him and tugged his robes.

"YOU'RE IT!" The child yelled.
All the younglings spread across the room laughing.

Anakin raced forward and began chasing all of them around before tapping the shoulder of the oldest boy there.

The boy began chasing the others and soon it became one big fun game of tag, that is until he heard a tell from the other side of the room.

"I tagged you!"

"Did not!"

"Yes I did! I grabbed your hair!"

"No you didn't! You're a liar!"

"Girls what's going on here?"

Anakin questioned, walking over.
"Master Skywalker! Mari said she tagged me but she's lying!" The small girl said.

"I'm not lying!" Mari screamed, shoving the other girl over.

The other girl started crying softly and that's when Anakin picked her up and held her.

"Don't push or hurt your fellow Jedi." He said calmly.

"She deserved it!"

"Has someone ever said something about you that wasn't true?"

"Yeah, I felt really sad and angry." She retorted.

"If you were pushed over, how would you feel?"

"Sad and hurt maybe." She hesitated slightly this time and a look of realisation took over her face.

She stepped forward and tapped her friends back. The girl Anakin was holding turned around.

"I'm really sorry I pushed you. I was being stupid and I didn't really tag you, I'm just sick of being it." She said.

Her friend turned around and hugged her softly. The other younglings came to surround the Jedi master and the two kids.

"Do I get a hug as well?" Anakin teased, opening his arms wide.
Let's say 6 children ran into his arms, knocking him over and they all fell into hysterics.

"Aw, am I missing out?" A loud male voice came from the entrance.

"Master Kenobi!" All the children yelled excitedly, running toward him.

Obi Wan walked toward Anakin with a smile.

"I told you. I knew you could do it." He said.

Anakin blushes kissed Obi Wans cheek.


"I love you!" Obi teased.

Anakin rolled his eyes but snuggled into Obi's embrace anyways.

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