No rest from the wicked

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"Seriously?" Taylor said, looking at her phone as it buzzed again.

We had decided to take a few days off and go on holiday to the Bahamas. Sun, beach, good food, good company.... It was perfect and we both needed it. Last week we had celebrated our 1 year anniversary together and now that everything in our lives was calmer we decided we deserved a break.

"Is it work?" I asked as I turned towards her from my hammock on the shaded deck of our beach hut while Taylor sat with her feet propped on the table in front of her reading a book until the heat of the day passed a little bit.

"No.... try again." She said, smirking a little as she rolled her eyes.

"Um... a friend with a dilemma?" I asked, not really knowing who it might be. Taylor's phone was always going off with a friend or work thing to sort out, but everyone knew we were on holiday and it was meant to be only things classed as an 8 or higher in terms of urgency that they were allowed to contact her about.

"Ding ding ding! You got it...although dilemma isn't exactly what I'd call it." She said, as she scrolled through the messages that had come in.

"Who is it?" I enquired curiously.

"One Charles Tadman." She said, looking at me and laughing slightly as I rolled my eyes. "You'd think that I'd get a break from those crazy men while we were away.... But apparently not.... I've already had over 30 messages from them, one way or another, asking about how to clean the pool or where things are, or when we will be home.... And we've only been gone 2 days..... I'm just going to call Charlie this time since he seems to think it's a life or death situation and sent 5 messages that just say urgent."

I laid back in my hammock as Taylor called Charlie, putting it on speaker.


Sometimes I felt more like the mother of an unruly bunch of 30 year old men, rather than the younger girlfriend of one of them. It was a constant stream of 'how do I do this?' and 'help me's. Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that I get along so well with Adam's friends, but sometimes I feel like they need babysitters 24/7. The fact that they were at Adam's all the time meant that the role of babysitting them fell to me most of the time.

"Hello? Taytay?" Charlie answered the phone.

"Hey Charlie! What's so urgent that you had to contact me on my vacation?" I said, pointing out the fact we were on holiday and supposed to be relaxing.

"Oh...yeah.... Shit.... Sorry...." He stammered out.

"No what's up?" I asked, trying my best not to laugh at him as I saw Adam smirking from his hammock.

"Well.... Dillon and I are at Adam's house and we don't know how to get the oven to work to make pizza... Or the blender to work to make milkshakes.... Or where you keep those awesome cookies... Or the really good chocolate milk mix stuff with the little marshmallows.... Or where the keys are for the alcohol cabinet...." He started to list things.

"Wait, wait.... One thing at a time.... And why didn't you call Adam, it's his house after all?" I told him.

"Yeah, but he's as clueless as us when it comes to most of this stuff... you run the house." Charlie said, obviously not realizing he's on speaker.

"Thanks, mate." Adam said, trying to sound pissed but failing miserably. This made me laugh and I had to cover my mouth to prevent myself from making too much noise.

"Taytay you didn't tell me I was on speaker! Sorry, man...but it's true!" Charlie said.

"Yeah, whatever.... Just ask Taylor what you want to know." Adam said, closing his eyes again, with a smirk on his lips.

Charlie started asking questions again, to which I gave answers and made sure he wrote them down.

"Is that everything then?" I asked him.

"I think so..." He said.

"Just please remember to always put the lid on the blender before using it so it doesn't spray everywhere, do not to drink too much and always keep hydrated with water, clean up after yourselves and put the garbage out for collection, don't go swimming or drive the golf carts if you've been drinking or it's dark out since the outside lighting isn't being fixed until next week, and no going into Adam's room without permission." I told him some ground rules. "Got it?"

"Yes mam!" He replied quietly.

"Okay, then I'm going to enjoy my vacation now with Adam and we will see you lot next week.... okay?" I said, trying to emphasize the point that we were not available until next week.

"Sorry again for bothering you.... Um, have a good holiday!" Charlie said quickly before hanging up.

I turned my phone to silent and started reading my book again.

"They really can't cope alone can they...." Adam mussed.

"No, you are friends with a bunch of children really...." I said, barely looking up from my book.

"Well.... it's easy practice for the future and all that." Adam said, making my head snap up towards him. He still had his head back and eyes closed, not noticing my reaction.

"Yeah." I said quietly, smiling to myself.

A little while later, Adam stood up from his hammock and stood over me.

"Do you want to go out on the floatie?" He asked, smiling excitedly. The strongest sun was gone so it was still bright but a little cooler.

"Maybe a little later...." I said, really enjoying my book.

"Please?" He asked, giving me puppy dog eyes when I looked up.

What was it with this grown man and floaties? Really he was a child just like the rest of them. Although, to be honest, so was I some of the time, especially when cats or baking was involved.... Or, as it turned out, water trampolines.

"Okay, sure.... You get it all sorted and I'll be down in a few minutes." I told him. He leaned down and gave me a quick kiss before walking down the beach to where we had tethered the swan floatie to a tree.

Soon we were floating on the swan as the sun was setting, with Adam taking photos and snapchat videos as we did.

"It's nice to get away from it all, isn't it?" I mussed as we enjoyed the sunset.

"It sure is babe.... Away from those pesky paps and the needy grown-up children.... I promise that we will do this more.... You know, taking breaks every so often." Adam replied, wrapping his arms around me more tightly.

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