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Your POV
I was walking to my favorite place Starbucks. When I walked in there was a big group of girls sitting with omg My Chemical Romance. I couldn't believe it. I just went to get my drink they wouldn't bother with me anyway. I'm about to walk out when I feel a tap on my shoulder.

Mikey's POV
I looked up and saw a really pretty girl walking to the counter she saw us I know it but she kept walking instead of the giant group around us. She grabs her drink and walks off. I stand up and go followed her. I tapped her shoulder. She looked surprised to see me. I asked her what her name is she said y/n. Wow what a pretty name. I ask where she's going.

Your POV
Mikey asked where I'm going I said to the woods. I have a special meadow where I spend most of my time. He asks if he could go with me I say yes. He tells the guys he'll meet them on the bus later. We walk out and I lead the way. We reach the clearing and I sit down. He sits right next to me and says that it's really pretty out here.

Mikey's POV
She takes me to a beautiful meadow in the woods. She sits down and I sit next to her. She's so pretty with e/c colored eyes. I ask if she wants to go with us on tour because I want to be with her forever. That sounds crazy doesn't it.

Your POV
He asked me to go on tour with him. I say yes. I get so excited that I hug him he hugs me back. I blush and pull away he leans in and kisses me and of course I kiss him back.

Your POV later
I'm all packed up and waiting for Mikey there's a knock on the door. It's him we hod hands on the way to the bus.

Mikey's POV years later
Me and y/n have been together for a long time a will stay together for the rest of our lives

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