Chapter 7: San Francisco

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I wake up to see Jake is still asleep and the bus is moving. We must be on our way to Jakes next concert. I sit up slightly and watch as his chest rises and falls with slow even breathes. I smile at the expression on his face. I crawl over him and walk to the front of the bus.

"Morning Joey." I say seeing Joey sitting on the couch on his laptop.

"Morning little sis." he says looking up. I think it's cute how I've become all the guys' little sister. 

"Jake still asleep?"

"yeah" I say opening the fridge and looking for something to drink.

"Hey sexy." I jump as I feel Jake whisper sleepily in my ear.

"Hi handsome." I turn around and kiss him. He places his hands around my waist and rests his head on top of mine.

"Babe, if you are still tired. Go back to bed." I say.

"Come with me." he mumbles into my hair.

"I'm not tired anymore." I giggle.

"please?" He whines. I run my hands underneath his shirt and lightly trail my fingernails over his abs. He groans and kisses my neck which makes me moan.

"Jaaaaakeeeeee...." I wine.

"whaaaaaatttt..." he wines back. I giggle and kiss him. He gently pushes me up against the fridge and continues kissing me. I tug at the bottom of his shirt and he pulls it off. And i scratch his back. He crashes his lips back on mine and grips my waist tightly pressing his body against mine. I can feel that he has an erection and it turns me on. I already told Jake I trust him. And I do. And I want to have sex with him. But thinking back on what Bobby did to me after he took me away from Jake. I just can't do it. But I can't stop moving forward with Jake in this moment either. I just feels so right. I moan as Jake starts kissing my neck again.

"Aww come on man! In the kitchen!?" We hear Scooter say. We pull apart and I bury my face in Jake's chest. He wraps his arms around me and kisses the top of my head.

"You are just jealous Scoot." Jake says grinning.

"psh no. She's my little sister that would be weird." Scooter says opening the fridge. Jake lets go of me and grabs his shirt off the floor and heads to the back of the bus to take a shower. I sit down next to Joey and Scooter sits next to me.

"What's up my brothers?" I ask.

"Do you love Jake?" Joey asks.

"What?" I'm caught off guard.

"Do you love Jake?" Joey asks again.

"I...I guess. I mean he's amazing. And I don't ever want to leave his side. And I can see myself with him for the rest of my life. So I guess yeah I love him." I smile.

"Good." Joey says. "Just don't hurt him" Scooter says.

"I won't." I promise. I get up and head to the back and bump right into a freshly showered Jake.

"hey beautiful." he grins.

"Hey." I grab some clothes and go into the bathroom. I turn on the shower, strip and step in. I sigh as I feel the warm water flow onto my body. I need to clear my head. I'm gonna have to eventually tell Jake that I love him. What if he doesn't love me. What if he only likes me. God this is so complicated.


Something was up with Amanda. I walked into the living room and sat down next Scooter and turned on the TV.

Day Without Your Love (Jake Miller series Book 1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें