Contest 4

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Okay guys, so I've decided to do a little bit of a different contest this time, which is a short story contest!
Title: Paranoia
Genre: Open
Characters: Open
Due date: Thursday 14th April
1st place: Shoutout, 3 honest comments  and votes on 3 books each, an account rate, 2 books added to my reading list and a book cover made by me
2nd place: 2 honest comments and votes on 2 books each, an account rate, 1 book added to my reading list
3rd place: 1 honest comment and all votes on 1 book, 1 book added to my reading list

Please tag people in this competition! I want as many people as possible to join and I will be posting a cover contest later so keep a lookout for that! All the best of luck to the competitors, the stakes are high for these awesome prizes!

Cover contests ***CLOSED***Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt