Chapter 1

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Being 17 sucks.

It means more responsibilities and drama, YAY me. I've always tried to avoid people my age, I feel more at ease having only two best friends and honestly that's all I need in my life. I see people my age crying over boys and friends while I never experienced it. I really don't want to, I wasn't considered pretty by any boy at school, and honestly I didn't care. I lived a normal teenage life, I was an only child living in the outskirts of London with my parents. Most of my time was spent at school and meeting up with my two best friends: Nash and Ella.

It was 9 pm on a school night, I had finished all my work and i was really bored. So i started using my laptop to find some ideas on what to do when finally, it clicked.

I've always been the shy, reserved type but i wanted to show the world something about me - maybe not directly as I didn't have the courage to show my face to a whole site, so anonymously I decided it was time to start writing. After 4 years on Wattpad reading book after book, it was my time to finally publish something of my own.

As soon as I posted the first chapter I phoned Ella.

Ella is the same age as me, we've been friends since we were 5, so we basically are inseparable, she's a huge fan of Wattpad just like me and has got all the guys falling for her, she says it's all thanks to her natural blonde hair, in fact she's been telling me to dye it to be twins since forever now,  but I like my natural hair colour.

Me: Ella! Guess who has amazingggg news!

Ella: Hey babe, wowowo chill, what's up?

Me: Guess who finally managed to overcome her fear and post on Wattpad?


Me: hahahha ily, ttyl.

After the phone call ended, I started noticing that I had received a ton of notifications, I even managed to get 100 followers by the time I posted. I was so excited, this was gonna be a good year.

All the messages left on my board said something like:

"Post more please"
"Update soon"
"This is so relatable and sad"

But I noticed that someone messaged me privately. The name on Wattpad was "DragonMaster99" (I cringed a little at the name). I clicked on the profile to find out that the person who messaged me was a guy. From his bio I got to know he lived in the same town as me, I wondered if I actually knew him.

His message said this:

"It's not everyday that you find a teenage girl writing this type of genre, I was wondering if we could maybe work  on a book together, I'm into sad poems and drama mainly, what do you think?"

I honestly didn't know what to reply. It was the first time that I posted anything and I already got appreciated for my work, that I was even asked to join a team?

I wasn't gonna reply at first, my typical introvert self was gonna give up an opportunity like this, and lose the chance of actually being more appreciated for my writing, but eventually I gave in.

"Hey DragonMaster99 :)

Thanks for your message, I'm glad you enjoyed my poem :) And yeah i would really love to work with you it sounds like such a cool idea, I cant wait! When do you want to start?

Hugs,  LydiaM201x"

By this time it was already 12 am, I didn't wait for him to reply, I switched off my laptop and got ready for bed, promising myself to check my messages tomorrow, and basically that's how my Thursday evening went, Pretty boring right?

A/N - Hey! sorry if this seemed really boring but its only the beginning,  I promise it will be better soon <3 please vote!
Chapter 2 tomorrow 💖

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