Sarah's Pain

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I woke up the next day, rolling over on the bed, I noticed that Sarah wasn't there. I thought to myself, "That's right, she went to school today." I get out of bed and go downstairs to find a plate of food on the kitchen counter. Not knowing what to do for the day, I end up leaving the house and walking around for a bit. I went up to the lookout and was surprised to find that Cindy was there. I walked up next to her and said, "I'm surprised to see you here this early." Catching her off guard, she looks down in surprise saying, "Well, I guess I should have known you wouldn't go to school today." I asked her, "So what're you doing up here so early?" She responded by saying, "I had a feeling that you might come here and there is something I want to ask you." I looked over at here and said, "Sure, go ahead." She turned to look at me and asked, "Do you know all of what happened to that girl, do you know her pain or have you even thought to ask?" I look down saying in response, "Her parents died on a vacation, a shipwreck apparently and she said that their bodies were never even recovered so they didn't have a funeral for them and that no one seemed to care what happened." Cindy looks up to the sky and says, "Well that is sad and a part of her pain, but what caused her to be able to see me, you know as well as I do that something terrible has to happen in front of you and since she wasn't there, she didn't see it happen. Have you ever thought of that?" I'm surprisingly shocked when she says that and I respond, "I don't actually know, she never said anything about it and I never really asked her." Cindy turns to leave, "Well ask her about it, she has more pain then she's letting you see. She's trying to act tough for you, but I bet inside that it's eating her up." After she says that, she disappears and after seeing what time it is, I head over to the school were I find Sarah walking out of the front gates. I walk up to her and say, "Hey." She responds chuckling, "So you won't go to school, but you'll still walk with your girlfriend home. Well I'm okay with it, so let's go." Once we got back home I starting making dinner. After we had finished eating I looked over at her and said, "Hey I need to talk to you about something." She asked, "What is it?" I look down and say, "What I'm going to ask you may be hard for you, but if you don't want to tell me you don't have to. I was thinking about it and I don't know what caused you to be able to see ghosts because from what you've told me, you didn't actually witness your parents death." She lowers her gaze and sits silent for a while before finally saying, "You're right, it is hard for me to say, but I want you to know about me, just like I know about you." She motions for us to sit in the living room. I took a seat on the couch and she sat across from me in the chair and started saying, "This was shortly after my parents had passed, so I was not stable. My grandfather had invited me to life with him and my grandma, but I told them that I didn't want to, so instead they insisted I visit them for a while. While I was there, they helped get over a lot of what I was feeling, but one day we were going in to town to get ingredients for that nights dinner. Well on our way back home, a car crush happened as we were crossing the street. A driver had fallen asleep at the will and ended up colliding into the car in front of him at the stop light at a very high speed. Seeing what was going to happen before it did, my grandparents used all there strength they had to push me out of harms way. I had lost conciseness for a second and when I came to, my head hurt and I remember sitting up and seeing them laying in the middle of the intersection, broken and bloody. I passed out and woke up in a hospital bed and when they told me that my grandparents didn't make it, I just became unresponsive to them. I stopped trying to live." She stops talking here and goes quiet for a bit. I wait patiently for her to continue and when she does she says, "I tried to kill myself a couple of times in that hospital and after the second time they put me in a psych ward. My doctor in that ward somehow made me come around and learn to handle the situation, but the pain of being left alone after their deaths never left me, until I was able to get close to you. Being with you has helped me to accept their deaths a little more." After that she went quiet and put her head down, I could hear her sobbing. So I got up and put u arms around here and said, "If you want to we can visit them tomorrow together. Would you like that?" She nodded her head yes and cried till she couldn't anymore.

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