Tom and Jerry (Fan Fiction)

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When I was five years old, I started watching Tom and Jerry. It was very nice and it can also cheer you up from sadness. This cartoon was so enjoyable and even your childhood would be awesome because of this cartoon! Tom and Jerry is a cartoon film created by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera. The first episode of Tom and Jerry was released on February 10, 1940 and the last episode was released on September 27, 2005. Jerry the mouse is the main character in Tom and Jerry. John Carr chose the name ''Jerry'' to name him. Tom was called "Jasper" in his debut performance. Many people don't know that Jerry was 30 years old up. when it is released, The looks of Tom and Jerry were different from 1940 and now. ''Puss gets the boot'' was Jerry's very first appearance. Puss Gets the boot was very amazing when i watched it, The first episode, Spike and Tom's friend are not there because they are not yet finish designing. Tom and Jerry became famous because of it's violence. Every episode has 5-7 minutes and it is Tom and Jerry's running time. This cartoon film became the world's no.1 best cartoon in 1944. It is very popular because most children likes this cartoon film because it is very funny and very interesting. In this year they say that Minions is very Popular in this year and Before in 1940s, Tom and Jerry is the one who is popular. They are both interesting to watch but my opinion, Tom and Jerry is more popular. Tom and Jerry had many changes from 1940 and in this year 2013. Tom and Jerry was the best cartoon of all the time.

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