Harry is Put in Detention

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The next morning I lead some first years to the great hall because they got lost. When I got there I saw that Harry didn't seem in a good mood and Ron was walking towards me. "You might want to speak to your boyfriend about his attitude Nemissia."
"Why is that Ron what did he do?" I asked as Ron folded his arms in front of me. "He threw a temper at Harry last night saying he was a nutter."
"I'll do my best but I can't force him to believe Harry."
"Yeah you can, you can tell him the truth tell him that your Voldermort's... I then grabbed his mouth stopping him mid sentence and pulled him out of the great hall. "Are you crazy I can't tell him that I'm Voldermort's daughter; You guys may have taken it well but that doesn't mean that everyone is gonna respond the same way and besides at any rate he'll believe that I turned into a nutter too." I then slowly removed my hand and he let out a gasping breath. I hadn't realized that I was suffocating him. "Well you never know until you try."
"I'm not telling him Ron and that's final and as for getting to believe Harry that will happen in its own time so back off." I then went to eat some breakfast and look over my schedule. My first class was with defense against the dark arts. I watched as a paper bird flew around and the students messed with it. Then the bird turned to ash and Umbridge came in. "Good morning class." She pointed her wand at the board and began our O.W.L.S lesson. "Study hard and you will be rewarded, fail to do so and the consequences may be severe." Text then floated to each desk as she spoke. "Your previous work on this subject has been disturbing, but you'll be pleased to know that you will be using this text book in the lesson." Hermione then raised her hand as she looked at the book. "There's nothing in here about using defensive spells." "Using spells well I can't imagine why you would need to use spells in my classroom, you'll be learning the theory and risk free way to use magic." I was shocked she was going to expect us to learn from theory what was she thinking? "What good is use is that if we're gonna be attacked how is it risk free?" I looked back at Harry not sure what he was up to. "Students will raise their hands in my class Mr Potter, it is the view of the ministry that you use theory practices."
"And how's theory supposed to prepare us for what's out there?" "There is nothing out there, who would you imagine would harm a child like yourself."
"Oh I don't know maybe Lord Voldermort." Her face then went rigged and she was silent for a moment. "Now let me make this quite clear, you have been told that a certain dark wizard is at large once again this is a lie."
"It's not a lie, I saw him, I fought him!" Harry then went into frantic yelling and there stopping him. "Detention Mr Potter!"
"So according to you Cedric Digory dropped dead of his own accord then!"
"Cedric Digory's death was a tragic accident."
"It was Voldermort, Voldermort killed him you must know that!"
"Enough!" The whole class then went silent after she finished yelling Harry was in so much trouble. "See me later Mr Potter my office." Class then soon ended and I left to the rest of my classes trying to avoid talking to Seamus about his attitude towards Harry. I wanted him to apologize to Harry but it's not like I can force him and it bothered me about what he might think if he found out I was Voldermort's daughter not everyone would be okay with that. I finished up my classes and decided to go outside by myself outside for a while. Over the summer my father had been speaking to me through my mind telling me all about how he couldn't wait to have me start living with him. I kinda wanted the same thing not just for spying on him but also so I could finally have a father, but I was afraid that if I lived with him would I still be able to spy on my father without him knowing. Would I become like him and the biggest question would he find out that I had been lying to him this whole time and that I was still friends with Harry? All these questions were swarming through my head and it made me wonder how long would I be able to keep my secret from my father.

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