Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 3)

Start from the beginning

Bray was interested now, she had his attention, but she was interrupted when her mom came over to her.

"Carlie! That is about enough of this! This obsession has got to stop! You embarrassed me out there, you had everyone looking at us. I didn't want to do this... I thought that if you came to Raw to see Bray that this obsession would stop. It's obvious now that I was wrong and that your obsession has only gotten worse. You always having these dreams and talking about him all the time. You're not well Carlie... There is something mentally wrong with you. I'm sorry, I really am, but I'm really concerned about you. You've left me no choice... you will be staying with a therapist in Dallas until we find out what's wrong with you. So... Get a hug, autograph, picture... Whatever and let's go. This will be the last time that you see Bray. You will not be watching him on tv with the therapist."

Bray looked at Carlie like he felt sorry for her, her mom really ruined her moment. Carlie was actually holding back tears now, her joy and happiness was taken from her. Bray wanted to say something to her mother but didn't really know what to say. Carlie then quietly held her head down and asked Bray something.

"Will you sign my shirt please? I don't have anything else, she took my sign."

"Of course Sweetie."

She turned around and held up her hair as Bray signed her shirt. She stayed quiet and wondered if she would be able to keep her shirt or if her mom would make her get rid of it later like she took away her sign. Once Bray finished signing her shirt Carlie started walking away. Something told her that sooner or later her family would have her sent away to a therapist. Just because she always had dreams about Bray and felt connected to him did that really make her crazy? Before she walked away, Bray called out to her.


Everyone stopped and Carlie turned around to look at Bray. He gave her a small smile and then asked her a question.

"Don't I get a hug?"

Carlie then smiled and made her way back to him and hugged him. He hugged her tight and whispered something to her.

"Hang in there... Don't let them change who you are."

She then asked him something.

"Isn't there something you can do? Save me Bray, I need you."

Bray thought of something, her words were the same words he asked Abigail. He then hugged her and gave her a reassuring smile.

"I'll see what I can do. I know what your mom said, but this won't be the last time we see each other."

Carlie smiles at him and gave him one last hug before her mom called out to her.

"Carlie! Let's go!"

She turned around and saw her mom waiting for. She was twenty one years old and didn't necessarily have to follow her, but she had always lived with her mom, she didn't really know what to do if she was left on her own. If she went to therapy and returned to normal maybe her mom would let her return home. She sighed and left Bray to follow her mom. What did she think would happen? Did she really think Bray would save her or even cared about her? Maybe she was crazy. Bray probably thought that she was just a crazy obsessed fangirl. Then why would he say that they would see each other again? He was probably just playing along to get her hopes up. As Carlie walked away he felt his heart sink. He really felt sorry for her. He felt something different about her, it was that same feeling when he could feel the presence of Sister Abigail. He felt a strong spiritual pull when Carlie was near him, even though he had never met her, it was like she said, he felt a connection to her. A familiar presence, he felt bad about watching her leave. Her own family thought that she was crazy, he said that he would see her again, that was a promise he planned on keeping. There was more to this girl that he had to know about. She told him that she had dreams about him before he even came to WWE, she didn't really get to get into detail about them because her mom interrupted her. Bray was curious as to why he was in her dreams and what kind of dreams she was having.

Carlie thought her mom was just bluffing about taking her to a therapist, but was startled to find that they weren't going home.

"Where are we?"

"I told you... I'm having you stay with a therapist."

"I didn't think you would actually do it."

"I wasn't going to until you went down to the ring. This obsession really has to stop."

"But did you really have to do this right now? I'm supposed to stay here... I don't even have any clothes with me."

"They will have something for you to change into, I will also bring by more of your clothes tomorrow."

"Why would you do this?! There is nothing wrong with me! You judge me more than anyone else ever has, I'm judged more by my own family than I am people I don't. Bray wouldn't judge me like this."

"See there you go again! You just met Bray and you assume that he's the only person that understands you. You're here because of him!"

"I don't want to be here! I don't need to be here! There is nothing wrong with me!"

"You're in denial! You won't even admit that you have a problem."

"My problem is you and people like you that think you're perfect!"

Her mom then slapped her in the face.

"Get out!"

Her dad got out with Carlie while her mom stayed in the car. He thought that Carlie needed therapy, but there was no need for her mom to slap her. Carlie got of the car and started crying. Her dad went to hug her, but her mom rolled down the window.

"Don't go babying her. Take her in, get her settled in and let's go!"

Her dad grabbed her and and slowly walked her into the building. He did apologize.

"I'm sorry Carlie... I think you need therapy too, but there was no need for your mom to hit you."

"You're not sorry... If you were, you wouldn't let me stay here. Why do you hate me?"

"I don't hate you... We love you, we just think there is something wrong with you. If we didn't love you, we wouldn't have brought you here. The sooner you realize that something is wrong with you, the sooner you can get help. The sooner you get help, the sooner you can come home."

"I don't want to go back home! But I don't want to be here either! Why am I the one that needs help?! I don't think the same way you and mom do and so you judge me and think that there is something wrong with me."

"It's been like this for years now. This isn't something recent. Ever since you were about six... Ever since you almost died you've changed."

"We were in a car accident! I was six years old, it was a traumatic event for me! I've grown up! I'm not the same person now that I was when I was six years old!"

"My point is... The sooner you realize there is something wrong with you, the sooner you can leave."

Carlie was lead to an isolated room. There was a bed and a window. There wasn't anything else in the room for her own safety. Her dad went to hug her but she pushed past him and just sat down on a bed. Knowing that there was no getting through to her he decided to leave. She knew what was really going on, her parents were deserting her, they were leaving her alone. She felt sadness and anger towards her family, but she was also scared because she was left alone, she didn't know what was going to happen. She then laid down on the bed and started crying. In a way, Bray was the cause of her misfortune now, but something he said stuck with her.

"Hang in there... Don't let them change who you are."

That was the problem... She wasn't exactly sure who she was.

(To be continued. Thanks for reading. I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter. Review.)

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