The science project

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"Bobby! Come here at once! Look at Jakes grades!!" Said Sarah mother of much loved son Jake and wife to Bobby Brenner . "C,C,D,A- God these are terrible" said Bobby shocked. He was a big man with rippling muscles. He was terribly brainy. He had gone to Harvard and had connections in the NSA.
His wife was a small thin woman who was also very smart. Their son who was 10 had been getting A+'s every time till now . They both stormed into his bedroom where he sat near his MacBookPro. "Jake what the hell happened to your grades! " "You have one chance to get back and that is the science fair . Start working on your project now ." said Sarah. As they stormed out Jake cried "Wait Mom ,wait Dad you gotta see this.""What?" said both his parents in unison. Jake took a photo of his table and connected his laptop to a slightly modified projector and a few complicated looking devices. A perfect hologram appeared above the projector. "Watch." said Jake. He slowly raised the bottom of the holographic table. The real table suddenly did the same. He spun it around making the real table cause a lot of damage in the house. He bent the table. Without breaking its wood bent. It was as if he had rewritten the laws of physics. "Nice project Huh " he said. " It works on the relational gravitational mass and re-firing of antimatter which creates a temperothetic connection . It also uses micro chips which I injected in my hand."5hrs later NSA scientists were baffled by Jake. His Dad had called NSA to his house who had come in a supersonic private jet.

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