"Wow," She murmured. "It's beautiful."

The ivory dress went to the floor with small train at the end. The waist was a shimmering sewn-in belt of diamonds about the width of her hand. One of the maids pulled Annabeth's hair atop her head, with a small braid wrapped around the top and sides, to create a headband of sorts. Small diamond earrings, and an intricate bracelet finish her new ensemble.

"Is this the wedding dress?" Annabeth questioned

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Is this the wedding dress?" Annabeth questioned.

"No," Sally replied. "It's for tomorrow, the engagement ball. Now take it off her ladies."

The dress was taken of her as Annabeth stood with a startled and frustrated expression placed on her usually calm face. After the fitting, she returned to her plain dress and walked out of the room with Piper following behind. She quickly entered her father's office and stood right in front of the desk. The king looked up, with an annoyed expression clear on his face.

"Father, I would like to go out into town."

The king's features hardened further as he shuffled through his pages, successfully annoying his daughter further.

"Absolutely not. After your escapades earlier today you have been forbidden to leave the castle unless otherwise allowed by me."

"But father, the people will want to see me before I am engaged and sent away to live in another kingdom. It will appease their curiosity for a bit, and allow a calm entrance for all the guests who are arriving."

The king looked at his daughter for a minute. Then two. Then he let a puff of air escape through his nose.

"Fine," Annabeth smiled triumphantly. "But, you must take your guards, and your brothers. They haven't been out of the castle in a while."

The smile melted off her face as Annabeth glared at her father. "You know the boys are more likely to run off than I am. And they were out just two days ago! Remember, they brought home that wretched cow they stole."

"It is final. Now leave before I change my mind."

Still glaring, Annabeth exited the office and ordered a passing servant to retrieve her brothers and bring them to the front gate in their outside wear.

| | | | | | | |

Annabeth dragged her brothers out of yet another store. First they spilled a large vat of olive oil at the grocer, than they spilled their juices onto the books at the bookstore, and finally, they ran around and let loose all the animals in the pet store. She marched them into a small alley and swung them to face her. 

"Listen you two, I've had enough of your bad behaviour. Is this how princes act?"

Bobby and Matthew looked at each other. They turned back to Annabeth and nodded. She narrowed her eyes at them. The young boy's eyes widened before they frantically shook their heads. The princess watched them warily before giving their hands to their different caretakers. She turned her sharp gaze to the two maids.

"Don't let them out of your sight this time."

She quickly walked back out into the streets, her back straight and head held high. People bowed whenever they passed, accustomed to the Royals strolling the streets. Annabeth strode towards the last store on her list, the green house. In it resided her good friend, Katy Gardner - coincidence, she knows- , who helped her father tend to the plants. Katy was also well known for her knowledge of everything and anything happening in Athens, which provided a good reason to visit. The small group entered the glass building, immediately engulfed by the humid air and the smell of earth. After coughing for only a moment, Annabeth left her entourage to delve deeper into the mist. She searched through the haze for a certain brunette, finding her leaning over a table completely covered in plants. 

"Katy, there you are!"

The young lady startled, and almost dropped the watering can she was holding. She quickly turned, let out a sigh of relief upon seeing Annabeth, and set down the watering can properly this time.

  "Annabeth! It's been a while! What can I do for you?"

"Well, Katy, I wanted to have a chat, catch up."

Katy looked at her for a moment, before nodding her head slowly. 

"Let's go to the back room, the couch was moved back there. It's better than just standing around."

Following the brunette's lead, Annabeth walked into the purple room, quietly closing the door behind her. She sat on the couch, and turned to face Katy.  

"Now, Annabeth," She reached under the couch and pulled out a worn journal. "What can I do for you, for real this time?"

"I don't have long, but there are a couple small things I would like to know." Katy nodded, and the princess proceeded. "The ball, what do the people know of it? Do they know the reason for its happening, and do they approve?"

The flower adorned girl licked her finger and turned the pages a couple times before finding what she was looking for. 

"Okay, I have here that the butcher thinks it's so your father can kill the important visitors, and take over their countries,"

 Not too far off, Annabeth thought bitterly.

"But you know how he is, always spreading false rumours. Elianna, the grocers new employee, thinks that it's a friendly visit between kingdoms to keep peace and continue to stabilize their relationship after the war fifty years prior. She stands to be one of the smarter persons I talked to today. Others talked about rivalry, marketing and selling products, marriage," Annabeth stiffened quickly at the mention, but relaxed her tense muscles to keep her stoic facade up. "Olives, owls, and lastly, and oddly I might say, pirates."

Annabeth raised an eyebrow.

"I know, odd, but he was quite sure about it. Though," Katy scrunched her face. "He approached me, and I don't know if he even was talking about the ball or something else..."

After several beats of thoughtful silence, Annabeth stood and dusted off her already pristine dress. She turned to her friend and said,

"Thank you, that was very informative. Here, I found this in the shed at the palace." Reaching in to her satchel that rested against her hip, the princess pulled out an orange package that contrasted strongly against the pale blue of the bag, and handed it the gardener. 

"Moon Lace! I didn't know you could even find this in Athens, let alone Greece! Thank you so much Annie!" 

Her Royal Highness smiled slightly at her friends enthusiasm, and then turned to the door and walked briskly out. Her dress swirled against ankles, hiding her sandals. 

I'm sorry I suck!!!!

But if you want anything special to happen on the pirate ship when that part comes let me know! Because I legit have no plans whatsoever apart for a little bit in the future. Please. Help me. 

Also, still shocked that people are reading literally any of my trash books lol love you guys 

See you probably in another month or so if my computer keeps acting up like this

Jewel Of Athensحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن